#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VERSION "0.2" #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define PRIsize_t "Iu" #define htole16(x) (x) #define htole32(x) (x) #define GETLINE_BUFFER 4096 //getline implementation from midimonster / https://github.com/cbdevnet/midimonster static ssize_t getline(char** line, size_t* alloc, FILE* stream){ size_t bytes_read = 0; char c; //sanity checks if(!line || !alloc || !stream){ return -1; } //allocate buffer if none provided if(!*line || !*alloc){ *alloc = GETLINE_BUFFER; *line = calloc(GETLINE_BUFFER, sizeof(char)); if(!*line){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); return -1; } } if(feof(stream)){ return -1; } for(c = fgetc(stream); 1; c = fgetc(stream)){ //end of buffer, resize if(bytes_read == (*alloc) - 1){ *alloc += GETLINE_BUFFER; *line = realloc(*line, (*alloc) * sizeof(char)); if(!*line){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); return -1; } } //store character (*line)[bytes_read] = c; //end of line if(feof(stream) || c == '\n'){ //terminate string (*line)[bytes_read + 1] = 0; return bytes_read; } //input broken if(ferror(stream)){ return -1; } bytes_read++; } } #else #define PRIsize_t "lu" #endif typedef enum { fmt_i8, fmt_i16, fmt_i32, fmt_f32, fmt_nf32 } sample_format; typedef struct { int64_t i64; float f32; } sample_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct /*_chunk_riff*/ { char magic_riff[4]; uint32_t size; char magic_wave[4]; } hdr_riff_t; typedef struct /*_chunk_fmt_base*/ { char magic[4]; uint32_t size; uint16_t fmt; uint16_t channels; uint32_t sample_rate; uint32_t byte_rate; //(samplerate * sampleBits * channels) / 8. uint16_t bitdepth; //(sampleBits * channels) / 8 uint16_t samplebits; uint16_t extsize; //only present if fmt != 1 } hdr_fmt_t; typedef struct /*_chunk_fact*/ { char magic[4]; uint32_t size; uint32_t samples; } hdr_fact_t; typedef struct /*_chunk_data*/ { char magic[4]; uint32_t size; } hdr_data_t; #pragma pack(pop) static int usage(char* fn){ fprintf(stdout, "cswave " VERSION " - Convert CSV columns to WAVE files\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tUsage: %s [] []\n\n", fn); fprintf(stdout, "Supported wave formats: i8, i16 (default), i32, f32, nf32\n"); fprintf(stdout, "When using integer output formats, floating point input samples will be truncated to their integer parts.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "The nf32 format will store samples as float32 values without normalization.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static sample_format sampleformat_parse(char* fmt){ if(!fmt){ return fmt_i16; } if(!strcmp(fmt, "i8")){ return fmt_i8; } else if(!strcmp(fmt, "i32")){ return fmt_i32; } else if(!strcmp(fmt, "f32")){ return fmt_f32; } else if(!strcmp(fmt, "nf32")){ return fmt_nf32; } return fmt_i16; } static size_t sampleformat_bits(sample_format fmt){ switch(fmt){ case fmt_i8: return 8; case fmt_i16: return 16; case fmt_i32: case fmt_f32: case fmt_nf32: return 32; } return 16; } static void push_sample(sample_t sample, sample_format fmt, int fd){ uint8_t u8 = sample.i64; int16_t i16 = htole16(sample.i64); int32_t i32 = htole32(sample.i64); switch(fmt){ case fmt_i8: write(fd, &u8, 1); break; case fmt_i16: write(fd, &i16, 2); break; case fmt_i32: write(fd, &i32, 4); break; case fmt_f32: case fmt_nf32: if(write(fd, &sample.f32, 4) != 4){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write\n"); } break; } } static size_t process(FILE* src, size_t column, sample_format fmt, int dst, char delimiter){ char* line, *value; size_t offset = 0; size_t bytes_alloc = 0, samples = 0; ssize_t bytes_read = 0; sample_t sample; for(bytes_read = getline(&line, &bytes_alloc, src); bytes_read >= 0; bytes_read = getline(&line, &bytes_alloc, src)){ offset = 0; for(value = line; *value; value++){ if(offset == column){ break; } if(*value == delimiter){ offset++; } } if(!*value){ fprintf(stderr, "Input row %" PRIsize_t " does not provide a sample column\n", samples); continue; } sample.i64 = strtoll(value, NULL, 0); sample.f32 = strtof(value, NULL); //fprintf(stderr, "Original sample %d, value %f\n", samples, sample.f32); push_sample(sample, fmt, dst); samples++; } free(line); return samples; } static float* float_reference(int fd, size_t samples){ float* data = calloc(samples, sizeof(float)), max = 0; size_t n = 0, nmax = 0; ssize_t bytes = 0, current_read = 0; //read entire file for(current_read = read(fd, data, samples * sizeof(float)); bytes != samples * sizeof(float); current_read = read(fd, ((uint8_t*)(data)) + bytes, (samples * sizeof(float)) - bytes)){ if(current_read <= 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read back raw data\n"); free(data); return NULL; } bytes += current_read; fprintf(stdout, "Readback progress %" PRIsize_t " of %" PRIsize_t " bytes\n", bytes, samples * sizeof(float)); } for(n = 0; n < samples; n++){ //fprintf(stderr, "Readback sample %d, value %f\n", n, data[n]); if(fabsf(data[n]) > fabsf(max)){ max = data[n]; nmax = n; } } fprintf(stdout, "Determined maximum sample value as %f (sample %" PRIsize_t ")\n", max, nmax); for(n = 0; n < samples; n++){ data[n] /= fabsf(max); } return data; } static void write_headers(int fd, sample_format fmt, size_t samples, size_t samplerate){ hdr_riff_t riff_hdr = { .magic_riff = "RIFF", .size = /*riff*/ 4 + /*fmt header*/ sizeof(hdr_fmt_t) - (fmt == fmt_f32 ? 0 : 2) + /*fact header*/ (fmt == fmt_f32 ? sizeof(hdr_fact_t) : 0) + /*data header */ sizeof(hdr_data_t) + /*data*/ samples * (sampleformat_bits(fmt) / 8), .magic_wave = "WAVE", }; hdr_fmt_t fmt_hdr = { .magic = "fmt ", .size = (fmt == fmt_f32) ? 18 : 16, //add extsize for floating point format .fmt = (fmt == fmt_f32) ? 3 : 1, .channels = 1, .sample_rate = samplerate, .byte_rate = (samplerate * sampleformat_bits(fmt)) / 8, .bitdepth = sampleformat_bits(fmt) / 8, .samplebits = sampleformat_bits(fmt) }; hdr_fact_t fact_hdr = { .magic = "fact", .size = 4, .samples = samples }; hdr_data_t data_hdr = { .magic = "data", .size = samples * (sampleformat_bits(fmt) / 8) }; //fprintf(stdout, "Wrote %" PRIu32 " bytes, %" PRIu32 " samples\n", data_hdr.size, fact_hdr.samples); write(fd, &riff_hdr, sizeof(riff_hdr)); write(fd, &fmt_hdr, sizeof(fmt_hdr) - (fmt == fmt_f32 ? 0 : 2)); if(fmt == fmt_f32){ write(fd, &fact_hdr, sizeof(fact_hdr)); } write(fd, &data_hdr, sizeof(data_hdr)); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ int normalize = 1; char delimiter = ','; ssize_t bytes_written = 0, current = 0; if(argc < 5){ return usage(argv[0]); } if(argc == 7){ delimiter = argv[6][0]; } sample_format fmt = sampleformat_parse(argv[5]); if(fmt == fmt_nf32){ fmt = fmt_f32; normalize = 0; } FILE* in = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(!in){ fprintf(stdout, "Failed to open input file %s\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int output_fd = open(argv[2], O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP); if(output_fd < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open output file %s\n", argv[2]); close(output_fd); return EXIT_FAILURE; } write_headers(output_fd, fmt, 0, strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 10)); size_t samples = process(in, strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 10), fmt, output_fd, delimiter); fclose(in); fprintf(stdout, "Finalizing output file (%" PRIsize_t " samples)\n", samples); lseek(output_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); write_headers(output_fd, fmt, samples, strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 10)); //floating point pcm needs to be normalized... if(fmt == fmt_f32 && normalize){ float* normalized = float_reference(output_fd, samples); if(!normalized){ close(output_fd); return EXIT_FAILURE; } lseek(output_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); write_headers(output_fd, fmt, samples, strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 10)); for(current = write(output_fd, normalized, samples * sizeof(float)); bytes_written < samples * sizeof(float); current = write(output_fd, ((uint8_t*) normalized) + bytes_written, (samples * sizeof(float) - bytes_written))){ bytes_written += current; fprintf(stdout, "Normalized write progress %" PRIsize_t " of %" PRIsize_t " bytes\n", bytes_written, samples * sizeof(float)); } free(normalized); } close(output_fd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }