path: root/backends
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backends')
4 files changed, 673 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/backends/Makefile b/backends/Makefile
index 5c5b677..293b434 100644
--- a/backends/Makefile
+++ b/backends/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.PHONY: all clean full
LINUX_BACKENDS = midi.so evdev.so
-WINDOWS_BACKENDS = artnet.dll osc.dll loopback.dll sacn.dll maweb.dll
+WINDOWS_BACKENDS = artnet.dll osc.dll loopback.dll sacn.dll maweb.dll winmidi.dll
BACKENDS = artnet.so osc.so loopback.so sacn.so lua.so maweb.so
BACKEND_LIB = libmmbackend.o
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ maweb.dll: ADDITIONAL_OBJS += $(BACKEND_LIB)
maweb.dll: LDLIBS += -lws2_32
+winmidi.dll: LDLIBS += -lwinmm -lws2_32
midi.so: LDLIBS = -lasound
evdev.so: CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libevdev)
evdev.so: LDLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs libevdev)
diff --git a/backends/winmidi.c b/backends/winmidi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd8442b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/winmidi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libmmbackend.h"
+#include <mmsystem.h>
+#define DEBUG
+#include "winmidi.h"
+#define BACKEND_NAME "winmidi"
+static struct {
+ uint8_t list_devices;
+ int socket_pair[2];
+ CRITICAL_SECTION push_events;
+ volatile size_t events_alloc;
+ volatile size_t events_active;
+ volatile winmidi_event* event;
+} backend_config = {
+ .list_devices = 0,
+ .socket_pair = {-1, -1}
+//TODO allow connect-device specification by index
+//TODO detect option
+int init(){
+ backend winmidi = {
+ .name = BACKEND_NAME,
+ .conf = winmidi_configure,
+ .create = winmidi_instance,
+ .conf_instance = winmidi_configure_instance,
+ .channel = winmidi_channel,
+ .handle = winmidi_set,
+ .process = winmidi_handle,
+ .start = winmidi_start,
+ .shutdown = winmidi_shutdown
+ };
+ if(sizeof(winmidi_channel_ident) != sizeof(uint64_t)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi channel identification union out of bounds\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //register backend
+ if(mm_backend_register(winmidi)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register winmidi backend\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //initialize critical section
+ InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&backend_config.push_events, 4000);
+ return 0;
+static int winmidi_configure(char* option, char* value){
+ if(!strcmp(option, "list")){
+ backend_config.list_devices = 0;
+ if(!strcmp(value, "on")){
+ backend_config.list_devices = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown winmidi backend option %s\n", option);
+ return 1;
+static int winmidi_configure_instance(instance* inst, char* option, char* value){
+ winmidi_instance_data* data = (winmidi_instance_data*) inst->impl;
+ if(!strcmp(option, "read")){
+ if(data->read){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi instance %s already connected to an input device\n", inst->name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ data->read = strdup(value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!strcmp(option, "write")){
+ if(data->write){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi instance %s already connected to an otput device\n", inst->name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ data->write = strdup(value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown winmidi instance option %s\n", option);
+ return 1;
+static instance* winmidi_instance(){
+ instance* i = mm_instance();
+ if(!i){
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ i->impl = calloc(1, sizeof(winmidi_instance_data));
+ if(!i->impl){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return i;
+static channel* winmidi_channel(instance* inst, char* spec){
+ char* next_token = NULL;
+ winmidi_channel_ident ident = {
+ .label = 0
+ };
+ if(!strncmp(spec, "ch", 2)){
+ next_token = spec + 2;
+ if(!strncmp(spec, "channel", 7)){
+ next_token = spec + 7;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown winmidi channel specification %s\n", spec);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ident.fields.channel = strtoul(next_token, &next_token, 10);
+ if(ident.fields.channel > 15){
+ fprintf(stderr, "MIDI channel out of range in winmidi channel spec %s\n", spec);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(*next_token != '.'){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi channel specification %s does not conform to channel<X>.<control><Y>\n", spec);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ next_token++;
+ if(!strncmp(next_token, "cc", 2)){
+ ident.fields.type = cc;
+ next_token += 2;
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(next_token, "note", 4)){
+ ident.fields.type = note;
+ next_token += 4;
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(next_token, "pressure", 8)){
+ ident.fields.type = pressure;
+ next_token += 8;
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(next_token, "pitch", 5)){
+ ident.fields.type = pitchbend;
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(next_token, "aftertouch", 10)){
+ ident.fields.type = aftertouch;
+ }
+ else{
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown winmidi channel control type in %s\n", spec);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ident.fields.control = strtoul(next_token, NULL, 10);
+ if(ident.label){
+ return mm_channel(inst, ident.label, 1);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int winmidi_set(instance* inst, size_t num, channel** c, channel_value* v){
+ winmidi_instance_data* data = (winmidi_instance_data*) inst->impl;
+ winmidi_channel_ident ident = {
+ .label = 0
+ };
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8_t status;
+ uint8_t data1;
+ uint8_t data2;
+ uint8_t unused;
+ } components;
+ DWORD dword;
+ } output = {
+ .dword = 0
+ };
+ size_t u;
+ if(!data->device_out){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi instance %s has no output device\n", inst->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(u = 0; u < num; u++){
+ ident.label = c[u]->ident;
+ switch(ident.fields.type){
+ case note:
+ output.components.status = 0x90 | ident.fields.channel;
+ output.components.data1 = ident.fields.control;
+ output.components.data2 = v[u].normalised * 127.0;
+ break;
+ case cc:
+ output.components.status = 0xB0 | ident.fields.channel;
+ output.components.data1 = ident.fields.control;
+ output.components.data2 = v[u].normalised * 127.0;
+ break;
+ case pressure:
+ output.components.status = 0xA0 | ident.fields.channel;
+ output.components.data1 = ident.fields.control;
+ output.components.data2 = v[u].normalised * 127.0;
+ break;
+ case aftertouch:
+ output.components.status = 0xD0 | ident.fields.channel;
+ output.components.data1 = v[u].normalised * 127.0;
+ output.components.data2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case pitchbend:
+ output.components.status = 0xE0 | ident.fields.channel;
+ output.components.data1 = ((int)(v[u].normalised * 32639.0)) & 0xFF;
+ output.components.data2 = (((int)(v[u].normalised * 32639.0)) & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown winmidi channel type %d\n", ident.fields.type);
+ continue;
+ }
+ midiOutShortMsg(data->device_out, output.dword);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int winmidi_handle(size_t num, managed_fd* fds){
+ size_t u;
+ ssize_t bytes = 0;
+ char recv_buf[1024];
+ channel* chan = NULL;
+ if(!num){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //flush the feedback socket
+ for(u = 0; u < num; u++){
+ bytes += recv(fds[u].fd, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0);
+ }
+ //push queued events
+ EnterCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ for(u = 0; u < backend_config.events_active; u++){
+ chan = mm_channel(backend_config.event[u].inst, backend_config.event[u].channel.label, 0);
+ if(chan){
+ mm_channel_event(chan, backend_config.event[u].value);
+ }
+ }
+ DBGPF("winmidi flushed %" PRIsize_t " wakeups, handled %" PRIsize_t " events\n", bytes, backend_config.events_active);
+ backend_config.events_active = 0;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ return 0;
+static void CALLBACK winmidi_input_callback(HMIDIIN device, unsigned message, DWORD_PTR inst, DWORD param1, DWORD param2){
+ winmidi_channel_ident ident = {
+ .label = 0
+ };
+ channel_value val;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ uint8_t status;
+ uint8_t data1;
+ uint8_t data2;
+ uint8_t unused;
+ } components;
+ DWORD dword;
+ } input = {
+ .dword = 0
+ };
+ //callbacks may run on different threads, so we queue all events and alert the main thread via the feedback socket
+ DBGPF("winmidi input callback on thread %ld\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
+ switch(message){
+ //processing too slow, do not immediately alert the main loop
+ case MIM_DATA:
+ //param1 has the message
+ input.dword = param1;
+ ident.fields.channel = input.components.status & 0x0F;
+ switch(input.components.status & 0xF0){
+ case 0x80:
+ ident.fields.type = note;
+ ident.fields.control = input.components.data1;
+ val.normalised = 0.0;
+ break;
+ case 0x90:
+ ident.fields.type = note;
+ ident.fields.control = input.components.data1;
+ val.normalised = (double) input.components.data2 / 127.0;
+ break;
+ case 0xA0:
+ ident.fields.type = pressure;
+ ident.fields.control = input.components.data1;
+ val.normalised = (double) input.components.data2 / 127.0;
+ break;
+ case 0xB0:
+ ident.fields.type = cc;
+ ident.fields.control = input.components.data1;
+ val.normalised = (double) input.components.data2 / 127.0;
+ break;
+ case 0xD0:
+ ident.fields.type = aftertouch;
+ ident.fields.control = 0;
+ val.normalised = (double) input.components.data1 / 127.0;
+ break;
+ case 0xE0:
+ ident.fields.type = pitchbend;
+ ident.fields.control = 0;
+ val.normalised = (double)((input.components.data2 << 8) | input.components.data1) / 32639.0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi unhandled status byte %02X\n", input.components.status);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ //sysex message, ignore
+ return;
+ case MIM_ERROR:
+ //error in input stream
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi warning: error in input stream\n");
+ return;
+ case MIM_OPEN:
+ case MIM_CLOSE:
+ //device opened/closed
+ return;
+ }
+ DBGPF("winmidi incoming message type %d channel %d control %d value %f\n",
+ ident.fields.type, ident.fields.channel, ident.fields.control, val.normalised);
+ EnterCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ if(backend_config.events_alloc <= backend_config.events_active){
+ backend_config.event = realloc((void*) backend_config.event, (backend_config.events_alloc + 1) * sizeof(winmidi_event));
+ if(!backend_config.event){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
+ backend_config.events_alloc = 0;
+ backend_config.events_active = 0;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ return;
+ }
+ backend_config.events_alloc++;
+ }
+ backend_config.event[backend_config.events_active].inst = (instance*) inst;
+ backend_config.event[backend_config.events_active].channel.label = ident.label;
+ backend_config.event[backend_config.events_active].value = val;
+ backend_config.events_active++;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ if(message != MIM_MOREDATA){
+ //alert the main loop
+ send(backend_config.socket_pair[1], "w", 1, 0);
+ }
+static void CALLBACK winmidi_output_callback(HMIDIOUT device, unsigned message, DWORD_PTR inst, DWORD param1, DWORD param2){
+ DBGPF("winmidi output callback on thread %ld\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
+static int winmidi_match_input(char* prefix){
+ MIDIINCAPS input_caps;
+ unsigned inputs = midiInGetNumDevs();
+ char* next_token = NULL;
+ size_t n;
+ if(!prefix){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi detected %u input devices\n", inputs);
+ }
+ else{
+ n = strtoul(prefix, &next_token, 10);
+ if(!(*next_token) && n < inputs){
+ midiInGetDevCaps(n, &input_caps, sizeof(MIDIINCAPS));
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi selected input device %s for ID %d\n", input_caps.szPname, n);
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ //find prefix match for input device
+ for(n = 0; n < inputs; n++){
+ midiInGetDevCaps(n, &input_caps, sizeof(MIDIINCAPS));
+ if(!prefix){
+ printf("\tID %d: %s\n", n, input_caps.szPname);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(input_caps.szPname, prefix, strlen(prefix))){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi selected input device %s for name %s\n", input_caps.szPname, prefix);
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int winmidi_match_output(char* prefix){
+ MIDIOUTCAPS output_caps;
+ unsigned outputs = midiOutGetNumDevs();
+ char* next_token = NULL;
+ size_t n;
+ if(!prefix){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi detected %u output devices\n", outputs);
+ }
+ else{
+ n = strtoul(prefix, &next_token, 10);
+ if(!(*next_token) && n < outputs){
+ midiOutGetDevCaps(n, &output_caps, sizeof(MIDIOUTCAPS));
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi selected output device %s for ID %d\n", output_caps.szPname, n);
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ //find prefix match for output device
+ for(n = 0; n < outputs; n++){
+ midiOutGetDevCaps(n, &output_caps, sizeof(MIDIOUTCAPS));
+ if(!prefix){
+ printf("\tID %d: %s\n", n, output_caps.szPname);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(output_caps.szPname, prefix, strlen(prefix))){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi selected output device %s for name %s\n", output_caps.szPname, prefix);
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int winmidi_start(){
+ size_t n = 0, p;
+ int device, rv = -1;
+ instance** inst = NULL;
+ winmidi_instance_data* data = NULL;
+ struct sockaddr_storage sockadd;
+ //this really should be a size_t but getsockname specifies int* for some reason
+ int sockadd_len = sizeof(sockadd);
+ DBGPF("winmidi main thread ID is %ld\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
+ //fetch all instances
+ if(mm_backend_instances(BACKEND_NAME, &n, &inst)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fetch instance list\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //no instances, we're done
+ if(!n){
+ free(inst);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //output device list if requested
+ if(backend_config.list_devices){
+ winmidi_match_input(NULL);
+ winmidi_match_output(NULL);
+ }
+ //open the feedback sockets
+ backend_config.socket_pair[0] = mmbackend_socket(NULL, "0", SOCK_DGRAM, 1, 0);
+ if(backend_config.socket_pair[0] < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi failed to open feedback socket\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(getsockname(backend_config.socket_pair[0], (struct sockaddr*) &sockadd, &sockadd_len)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi failed to query feedback socket information\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ backend_config.socket_pair[1] = socket(sockadd.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ if(backend_config.socket_pair[1] < 0 || connect(backend_config.socket_pair[1], (struct sockaddr*) &sockadd, sockadd_len)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi failed to connect to feedback socket\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //set up instances and start input
+ for(p = 0; p < n; p++){
+ data = (winmidi_instance_data*) inst[p]->impl;
+ inst[p]->ident = p;
+ //connect input device if requested
+ if(data->read){
+ device = winmidi_match_input(data->read);
+ if(device < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to match input device %s for instance %s\n", data->read, inst[p]->name);
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ if(midiInOpen(&(data->device_in), device, (DWORD_PTR) winmidi_input_callback, (DWORD_PTR) inst[p], CALLBACK_FUNCTION | MIDI_IO_STATUS) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open input device for instance %s\n", inst[p]->name);
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ //start midi input callbacks
+ midiInStart(data->device_in);
+ }
+ //connect output device if requested
+ if(data->write){
+ device = winmidi_match_output(data->write);
+ if(device < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to match output device %s for instance %s\n", data->read, inst[p]->name);
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ if(midiOutOpen(&(data->device_out), device, (DWORD_PTR) winmidi_output_callback, (DWORD_PTR) inst[p], CALLBACK_FUNCTION) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open output device for instance %s\n", inst[p]->name);
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //register the feedback socket to the core
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi backend registering 1 descriptor to core\n");
+ if(mm_manage_fd(backend_config.socket_pair[0], BACKEND_NAME, 1, NULL)){
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ rv = 0;
+ free(inst);
+ return rv;
+static int winmidi_shutdown(){
+ size_t n, u;
+ instance** inst = NULL;
+ winmidi_instance_data* data = NULL;
+ if(mm_backend_instances(BACKEND_NAME, &n, &inst)){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fetch instance list\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for(u = 0; u < n; u++){
+ data = (winmidi_instance_data*) inst[u]->impl;
+ free(data->read);
+ data->read = NULL;
+ free(data->write);
+ data->write = NULL;
+ if(data->device_in){
+ midiInStop(data->device_in);
+ midiInClose(data->device_in);
+ data->device_in = NULL;
+ }
+ if(data->device_out){
+ midiOutReset(data->device_out);
+ midiOutClose(data->device_out);
+ data->device_out = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ free(inst);
+ closesocket(backend_config.socket_pair[0]);
+ closesocket(backend_config.socket_pair[1]);
+ EnterCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ free((void*) backend_config.event);
+ backend_config.event = NULL;
+ backend_config.events_alloc = 0;
+ backend_config.events_active = 0;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&backend_config.push_events);
+ fprintf(stderr, "winmidi backend shut down\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/backends/winmidi.h b/backends/winmidi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4abda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/winmidi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "midimonster.h"
+int init();
+static int winmidi_configure(char* option, char* value);
+static int winmidi_configure_instance(instance* inst, char* option, char* value);
+static instance* winmidi_instance();
+static channel* winmidi_channel(instance* inst, char* spec);
+static int winmidi_set(instance* inst, size_t num, channel** c, channel_value* v);
+static int winmidi_handle(size_t num, managed_fd* fds);
+static int winmidi_start();
+static int winmidi_shutdown();
+typedef struct /*_winmidi_instance_data*/ {
+ char* read;
+ char* write;
+ HMIDIIN device_in;
+ HMIDIOUT device_out;
+} winmidi_instance_data;
+enum /*_winmidi_channel_type*/ {
+ none = 0,
+ note,
+ cc,
+ pressure,
+ aftertouch,
+ pitchbend
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ uint8_t pad[5];
+ uint8_t type;
+ uint8_t channel;
+ uint8_t control;
+ } fields;
+ uint64_t label;
+} winmidi_channel_ident;
+typedef struct /*_winmidi_event_queue_entry*/ {
+ instance* inst;
+ winmidi_channel_ident channel;
+ channel_value value;
+} winmidi_event;
diff --git a/backends/winmidi.md b/backends/winmidi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1fde1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/winmidi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+### The `winmidi` backend
+This backend provides read-write access to the MIDI protocol via the Windows Multimedia API.
+It is only available when building for Windows. Care has been taken to keep the configuration
+syntax similar to the `midi` backend, but due to differences in the internal programming interfaces,
+some deviations may still be present.
+#### Global configuration
+| Option | Example value | Default value | Description |
+| `list` | `on` | `off` | List available input/output devices on startup |
+| `detect` | `on` | `off` | Output channel specifications for any events coming in on configured instances to help with configuration. |
+#### Instance configuration
+| Option | Example value | Default value | Description |
+| `read` | `2` | none | MIDI device to connect for input |
+| `write` | `DeviceName` | none | MIDI device to connect for output |
+MIDI device names may either be prefixes of MIDI device names or a numeric index corresponding to the list output at startup using the backend `list` option.
+#### Channel specification
+The MIDI backend supports mapping different MIDI events to MIDIMonster channels. The currently supported event types are
+* `cc` - Control Changes
+* `note` - Note On/Off messages
+* `pressure` - Note pressure/aftertouch messages
+* `aftertouch` - Channel-wide aftertouch messages
+* `pitch` - Channel pitchbend messages
+A MIDIMonster channel is specified using the syntax `channel<channel>.<type><index>`. The shorthand `ch` may be
+used instead of the word `channel` (Note that `channel` here refers to the MIDI channel number).
+The `pitch` and `aftertouch` events are channel-wide, thus they can be specified as `channel<channel>.<type>`.
+MIDI channels range from `0` to `15`. Each MIDI channel consists of 128 notes (numbered `0` through `127`), which
+additionally each have a pressure control, 128 CC's (numbered likewise), a channel pressure control (also called
+'channel aftertouch') and a pitch control which may all be mapped to individual MIDIMonster channels.
+Example mappings:
+midi1.ch0.note9 > midi2.channel1.cc4
+midi1.channel15.pressure1 > midi1.channel0.note0
+midi1.ch1.aftertouch > midi2.ch2.cc0
+midi1.ch0.pitch > midi2.ch1.pitch
+#### Known bugs / problems
+Currently, no Note Off messages are sent (instead, Note On messages with a velocity of 0 are
+generated, which amount to the same thing according to the spec). This may be implemented as
+a configuration option at a later time.
+As this is a Windows-only backend, testing may not be as frequent or thorough as for the Linux / multiplatform