language: c # Use the latest Travis images since they are more up to date than the stable release. group: edge before_script: - export -f travis_fold script: - "bash -ex" addons: apt: packages: &base_build # This is the absolute minimum for configure to pass # Non C++ based tasks use it so they can run make builtfiles - ccache packages: &core_build # This is all the bits we need to enable all options - *base_build - libasound2-dev - libevdev-dev - libola-dev - liblua5.3-dev - libssl-dev packages: &core_build_gpp_latest - *core_build - gcc-8 - g++-8 packages: &core_build_clang_latest - *core_build - clang-6.0 matrix: fast_finish: true include: - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.2 compiler: clang env: - TASK='compile' - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.2 compiler: gcc env: - TASK='compile' - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.2 compiler: clang env: - TASK='sanitize' - os: linux dist: xenial compiler: clang env: TASK='compile' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build_clang_latest sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-xenial-6.0 - os: linux dist: xenial compiler: gcc env: TASK='compile' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build_gpp_latest sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - os: linux dist: xenial compiler: clang env: TASK='sanitize' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build_clang_latest sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-xenial-6.0 - os: linux dist: xenial compiler: gcc env: TASK='coverity' addons: apt: packages: # Coverity doesn't work with g++-5 or g++-6 yet - *core_build - gcc-4.9 sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - os: linux dist: xenial env: TASK='spellintian' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build - moreutils - os: linux dist: xenial env: TASK='spellintian-duplicates' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build - moreutils - os: linux dist: xenial env: TASK='codespell' addons: apt: packages: - *core_build - moreutils allow_failures: - os: linux dist: xenial compiler: gcc env: TASK='coverity' - os: linux dist: xenial env: TASK='spellintian-duplicates' - os: linux dist: xenial env: TASK='codespell' env: global: # No colours in terminal (to reduce log file size) - TERM=dumb # Parallel make build - MAKEFLAGS="-j 2" # -- BEGIN Coverity Scan ENV - COVERITY_SCAN_BUILD_COMMAND_PREPEND="cov-configure --comptype gcc --compiler gcc-4.9 --template" # The build command with all of the arguments that you would apply to a manual `cov-build` # Usually this is the same as STANDARD_BUILD_COMMAND, excluding the automated test arguments - COVERITY_SCAN_BUILD_COMMAND="make" # Name of the project - COVERITY_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME="$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" # Email address for notifications related to this build # - COVERITY_SCAN_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL="" # Regular expression selects on which branches to run analysis # Be aware of quotas. Do not run on every branch/commit - COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH_PATTERN=".*" # COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN via "travis encrypt" using the repo's public key # - secure: "" # -- END Coverity Scan ENV cache: apt: true directories: - $HOME/.ccache # ccache cache before_cache: - ccache -s # see how many hits ccache got install: - if [ "$TASK" = "codespell" ]; then pip install --user git+; fi before_install: - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew update; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew install ccache ola lua openssl; fi # OpenSSL is not a proper install due to some Apple bull, so provide additional locations via the environment... - export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" - export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then PATH=/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH; fi # Use ccache on Mac too #Coverity doesn't work with g++ 5 or 6, so only upgrade to g++ 4.9 for that - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" -a \( "$TASK" = "compile" -o "$TASK" = "sanitize" \) -a "$CC" = "gcc" ]; then export CC="ccache gcc-8"; export CXX="ccache g++-8"; fi #Use the latest clang if we're compiling with clang - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" -a "$CC" = "clang" ]; then export CC="clang-6.0"; export CXX="clang-6.0"; fi #Report the compiler versions - $CC --version #OS X uses something other than $CXX variable - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" -a \( "$TASK" = "compile" -o "$TASK" = "sanitize" \) ]; then $CXX --version; fi - if [ "$TASK" == "spellintian" -o "$TASK" == "spellintian-duplicates" ]; then wget ""; sudo dpkg -i lintian_*.deb; sudo apt-get install -f -y; fi # Install a later lintian after_script: - if [ "$TASK" = "coverity" ]; then tail -n 10000 ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/cov-int/build-log.txt; cat ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/cov-int/scm_log.txt; fi