#define BACKEND_NAME "artnet" #include #include #include #include "libmmbackend.h" #include "artnet.h" #define MAX_FDS 255 static uint32_t next_frame = 0; static uint8_t default_net = 0; static size_t artnet_fds = 0; static artnet_descriptor* artnet_fd = NULL; static int artnet_listener(char* host, char* port){ int fd; if(artnet_fds >= MAX_FDS){ LOG("Backend descriptor limit reached"); return -1; } fd = mmbackend_socket(host, port, SOCK_DGRAM, 1, 1); if(fd < 0){ return -1; } //store fd artnet_fd = realloc(artnet_fd, (artnet_fds + 1) * sizeof(artnet_descriptor)); if(!artnet_fd){ close(fd); LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return -1; } LOGPF("Interface %" PRIsize_t " bound to %s port %s", artnet_fds, host, port); artnet_fd[artnet_fds].fd = fd; artnet_fd[artnet_fds].output_instances = 0; artnet_fd[artnet_fds].output_instance = NULL; artnet_fds++; return 0; } MM_PLUGIN_API int init(){ backend artnet = { .name = BACKEND_NAME, .conf = artnet_configure, .create = artnet_instance, .conf_instance = artnet_configure_instance, .channel = artnet_channel, .handle = artnet_set, .process = artnet_handle, .start = artnet_start, .interval = artnet_interval, .shutdown = artnet_shutdown }; if(sizeof(artnet_instance_id) != sizeof(uint64_t)){ LOG("Instance identification union out of bounds"); return 1; } //register backend if(mm_backend_register(artnet)){ LOG("Failed to register backend"); return 1; } return 0; } static uint32_t artnet_interval(){ if(next_frame){ return next_frame; } return ARTNET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; } static int artnet_configure(char* option, char* value){ char* host = NULL, *port = NULL, *fd_opts = NULL; if(!strcmp(option, "net")){ //configure default net default_net = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); return 0; } else if(!strcmp(option, "bind")){ mmbackend_parse_hostspec(value, &host, &port, &fd_opts); if(!host){ LOGPF("%s is not a valid bind address", value); return 1; } if(artnet_listener(host, (port ? port : ARTNET_PORT))){ LOGPF("Failed to bind descriptor: %s", value); return 1; } return 0; } LOGPF("Unknown backend option %s", option); return 1; } static int artnet_instance(instance* inst){ artnet_instance_data* data = calloc(1, sizeof(artnet_instance_data)); if(!data){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return 1; } data->net = default_net; inst->impl = data; return 0; } static int artnet_configure_instance(instance* inst, char* option, char* value){ char* host = NULL, *port = NULL; artnet_instance_data* data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst->impl; if(!strcmp(option, "net")){ data->net = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); return 0; } else if(!strcmp(option, "uni") || !strcmp(option, "universe")){ data->uni = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); return 0; } else if(!strcmp(option, "iface") || !strcmp(option, "interface")){ data->fd_index = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); if(data->fd_index >= artnet_fds){ LOGPF("Invalid interface configured for instance %s", inst->name); return 1; } return 0; } else if(!strcmp(option, "dest") || !strcmp(option, "destination")){ mmbackend_parse_hostspec(value, &host, &port, NULL); if(!host){ LOGPF("Not a valid destination for instance %s: %s", inst->name, value); return 1; } return mmbackend_parse_sockaddr(host, port ? port : ARTNET_PORT, &data->dest_addr, &data->dest_len); } LOGPF("Unknown instance option %s for instance %s", option, inst->name); return 1; } static channel* artnet_channel(instance* inst, char* spec, uint8_t flags){ artnet_instance_data* data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst->impl; char* spec_next = spec; unsigned chan_a = strtoul(spec, &spec_next, 10); unsigned chan_b = 0; //primary channel sanity check if(!chan_a || chan_a > 512){ LOGPF("Invalid channel specification %s", spec); return NULL; } chan_a--; //check output capabilities if((flags & mmchannel_output) && !data->dest_len){ LOGPF("Channel %s.%s mapped for output, but instance is not configured for output (missing destination)", inst->name, spec); } //secondary channel setup if(*spec_next == '+'){ chan_b = strtoul(spec_next + 1, NULL, 10); if(!chan_b || chan_b > 512){ LOGPF("Invalid wide-channel specification %s", spec); return NULL; } chan_b--; //if mapped mode differs, bail if(IS_ACTIVE(data->data.map[chan_b]) && data->data.map[chan_b] != (MAP_FINE | chan_a)){ LOGPF("Fine channel already mapped for spec %s", spec); return NULL; } data->data.map[chan_b] = MAP_FINE | chan_a; } //check current map mode if(IS_ACTIVE(data->data.map[chan_a])){ if((*spec_next == '+' && data->data.map[chan_a] != (MAP_COARSE | chan_b)) || (*spec_next != '+' && data->data.map[chan_a] != (MAP_SINGLE | chan_a))){ LOGPF("Primary channel already mapped at differing mode: %s", spec); return NULL; } } data->data.map[chan_a] = (*spec_next == '+') ? (MAP_COARSE | chan_b) : (MAP_SINGLE | chan_a); return mm_channel(inst, chan_a, 1); } static int artnet_transmit(instance* inst){ size_t u; artnet_instance_data* data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst->impl; //output frame artnet_pkt frame = { .magic = {'A', 'r', 't', '-', 'N', 'e', 't', 0x00}, .opcode = htobe16(OpDmx), .version = htobe16(ARTNET_VERSION), .sequence = data->data.seq++, .port = 0, .universe = data->uni, .net = data->net, .length = htobe16(512), .data = {0} }; memcpy(frame.data, data->data.out, 512); if(sendto(artnet_fd[data->fd_index].fd, (uint8_t*) &frame, sizeof(frame), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &data->dest_addr, data->dest_len) < 0){ LOGPF("Failed to output frame for instance %s: %s", inst->name, strerror(errno)); } //update last frame timestamp for(u = 0; u < artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances; u++){ if(artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].label == inst->ident){ artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].last_frame = mm_timestamp(); artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].mark = 0; } } return 0; } static int artnet_set(instance* inst, size_t num, channel** c, channel_value* v){ uint32_t frame_delta = 0; size_t u, mark = 0; artnet_instance_data* data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst->impl; if(!data->dest_len){ LOGPF("Instance %s not enabled for output (%" PRIsize_t " channel events)", inst->name, num); return 0; } for(u = 0; u < num; u++){ if(IS_WIDE(data->data.map[c[u]->ident])){ uint32_t val = v[u].normalised * ((double) 0xFFFF); //the primary (coarse) channel is the one registered to the core, so we don't have to check for that if(data->data.out[c[u]->ident] != ((val >> 8) & 0xFF)){ mark = 1; data->data.out[c[u]->ident] = (val >> 8) & 0xFF; } if(data->data.out[MAPPED_CHANNEL(data->data.map[c[u]->ident])] != (val & 0xFF)){ mark = 1; data->data.out[MAPPED_CHANNEL(data->data.map[c[u]->ident])] = val & 0xFF; } } else if(data->data.out[c[u]->ident] != (v[u].normalised * 255.0)){ mark = 1; data->data.out[c[u]->ident] = v[u].normalised * 255.0; } } if(mark){ //find last frame time for(u = 0; u < artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances; u++){ if(artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].label == inst->ident){ break; } } frame_delta = mm_timestamp() - artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].last_frame; //check output rate limit, request next frame if(frame_delta < ARTNET_FRAME_TIMEOUT){ artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[u].mark = 1; if(!next_frame || next_frame > (ARTNET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL - frame_delta)){ next_frame = (ARTNET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL - frame_delta); } return 0; } return artnet_transmit(inst); } return 0; } static inline int artnet_process_frame(instance* inst, artnet_pkt* frame){ size_t p, max_mark = 0; uint16_t wide_val = 0; channel* chan = NULL; channel_value val; artnet_instance_data* data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst->impl; if(be16toh(frame->length) > 512){ LOGPF("Invalid frame channel count: %d", be16toh(frame->length)); return 1; } //read data, mark update channels for(p = 0; p < be16toh(frame->length); p++){ if(IS_ACTIVE(data->data.map[p]) && frame->data[p] != data->data.in[p]){ data->data.in[p] = frame->data[p]; data->data.map[p] |= MAP_MARK; max_mark = p; } } //generate events for(p = 0; p <= max_mark; p++){ if(data->data.map[p] & MAP_MARK){ data->data.map[p] &= ~MAP_MARK; if(data->data.map[p] & MAP_FINE){ chan = mm_channel(inst, MAPPED_CHANNEL(data->data.map[p]), 0); } else{ chan = mm_channel(inst, p, 0); } if(!chan){ LOGPF("Active channel %" PRIsize_t " on %s not known to core", p, inst->name); return 1; } if(IS_WIDE(data->data.map[p])){ data->data.map[MAPPED_CHANNEL(data->data.map[p])] &= ~MAP_MARK; wide_val = data->data.in[p] << ((data->data.map[p] & MAP_COARSE) ? 8 : 0); wide_val |= data->data.in[MAPPED_CHANNEL(data->data.map[p])] << ((data->data.map[p] & MAP_COARSE) ? 0 : 8); val.raw.u64 = wide_val; val.normalised = (double) wide_val / (double) 0xFFFF; } else{ //single channel val.raw.u64 = data->data.in[p]; val.normalised = (double) data->data.in[p] / 255.0; } if(mm_channel_event(chan, val)){ LOG("Failed to push channel event to core"); return 1; } } } return 0; } static int artnet_handle(size_t num, managed_fd* fds){ size_t u, c; uint64_t timestamp = mm_timestamp(); uint32_t synthesize_delta = 0; ssize_t bytes_read; char recv_buf[ARTNET_RECV_BUF]; artnet_instance_id inst_id = { .label = 0 }; instance* inst = NULL; artnet_pkt* frame = (artnet_pkt*) recv_buf; //transmit keepalive & synthesized frames next_frame = 0; for(u = 0; u < artnet_fds; u++){ for(c = 0; c < artnet_fd[u].output_instances; c++){ synthesize_delta = timestamp - artnet_fd[u].output_instance[c].last_frame; if((artnet_fd[u].output_instance[c].mark && synthesize_delta >= ARTNET_FRAME_TIMEOUT + ARTNET_SYNTHESIZE_MARGIN) //synthesize next frame || synthesize_delta >= ARTNET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL){ //keepalive timeout inst = mm_instance_find(BACKEND_NAME, artnet_fd[u].output_instance[c].label); if(inst){ artnet_transmit(inst); } } //update next_frame if(artnet_fd[u].output_instance[c].mark && (!next_frame || next_frame > ARTNET_FRAME_TIMEOUT + ARTNET_SYNTHESIZE_MARGIN - synthesize_delta)){ next_frame = ARTNET_FRAME_TIMEOUT + ARTNET_SYNTHESIZE_MARGIN - synthesize_delta; } } } if(!num){ //early exit return 0; } for(u = 0; u < num; u++){ do{ bytes_read = recv(fds[u].fd, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0); if(bytes_read > 0 && bytes_read > sizeof(artnet_hdr)){ if(!memcmp(frame->magic, "Art-Net\0", 8) && be16toh(frame->opcode) == OpDmx){ //find matching instance inst_id.fields.fd_index = ((uint64_t) fds[u].impl) & 0xFF; inst_id.fields.net = frame->net; inst_id.fields.uni = frame->universe; inst = mm_instance_find(BACKEND_NAME, inst_id.label); if(inst && artnet_process_frame(inst, frame)){ LOG("Failed to process frame"); } } } } while(bytes_read > 0); #ifdef _WIN32 if(bytes_read < 0 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK){ #else if(bytes_read < 0 && errno != EAGAIN){ #endif LOGPF("Failed to receive data: %s", strerror(errno)); } if(bytes_read == 0){ LOG("Listener closed"); return 1; } } return 0; } static int artnet_start(size_t n, instance** inst){ size_t u, p; int rv = 1; artnet_instance_data* data = NULL; artnet_instance_id id = { .label = 0 }; if(!artnet_fds){ LOG("Failed to start backend: no descriptors bound"); return 1; } for(u = 0; u < n; u++){ data = (artnet_instance_data*) inst[u]->impl; //set instance identifier id.fields.fd_index = data->fd_index; id.fields.net = data->net; id.fields.uni = data->uni; inst[u]->ident = id.label; //check for duplicates for(p = 0; p < u; p++){ if(inst[u]->ident == inst[p]->ident){ LOGPF("Universe specified multiple times, use one instance: %s - %s", inst[u]->name, inst[p]->name); goto bail; } } //if enabled for output, add to keepalive tracking if(data->dest_len){ artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance = realloc(artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance, (artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances + 1) * sizeof(artnet_output_universe)); if(!artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); goto bail; } artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances].label = id.label; artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances].last_frame = 0; artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instance[artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances].mark = 0; artnet_fd[data->fd_index].output_instances++; } } LOGPF("Registering %" PRIsize_t " descriptors to core", artnet_fds); for(u = 0; u < artnet_fds; u++){ if(mm_manage_fd(artnet_fd[u].fd, BACKEND_NAME, 1, (void*) u)){ goto bail; } } rv = 0; bail: return rv; } static int artnet_shutdown(size_t n, instance** inst){ size_t p; for(p = 0; p < n; p++){ free(inst[p]->impl); } for(p = 0; p < artnet_fds; p++){ close(artnet_fd[p].fd); free(artnet_fd[p].output_instance); } free(artnet_fd); LOG("Backend shut down"); return 0; }