### The `jack` backend This backend provides read-write access to the JACK Audio Connection Kit low-latency audio transport server for the transport of control data via either JACK midi ports or control voltage (CV) inputs and outputs. #### Global configuration | Option | Example value | Default value | Description | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| | `debug` | `on` | `off` | Print `info` level notices from the JACK connection | | `errors` | `on` | `off` | Print `error` level notices from the JACK connection | #### Instance configuration | Option | Example value | Default value | Description | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| | `name` | `Controller` | `MIDIMonster` | Client name for the JACK connection | | `server` | `jackserver` | `default` | JACK server identifier to connect to | Channels (corresponding to JACK ports) need to be configured with their type and, if applicable, value limits. To configure a port, specify it in the instance configuration using the following syntax: ``` port_name = min max ``` Port names may be any string except for the instance configuration keywords `name` and `server`. The following `type` values are currently supported: * `midi`: JACK MIDI port for transmitting MIDI event messages * `cv`: JACK audio port for transmitting DC offset "control voltage" samples (requires `min`/`max` configuration) `direction` may be one of `in` or `out`, as seen from the perspective of the MIDIMonster core, thus `in` means data is being read from the JACK server and `out` transfers data into the JACK server. The following example instance configuration would create a MIDI port sending data into JACK, a control voltage output sending data between `-1` and `1`, and a control voltage input receiving data with values between `0` and `10`. ``` midi_out = midi out cv_out = cv out min -1 max 1 cv_in = cv in min 0.0 max 10.0 ``` Input CV samples outside the configured range will be clipped. The MIDIMonster will not generate output CV samples outside of the configured range. #### Channel specification CV ports are exposed as single MIDIMonster channel and directly map to their normalised values. MIDI ports provide subchannels for the various MIDI controls available. Each MIDI port carries 16 MIDI channels (numbered 0 through 15), each of which has 128 note controls (numbered 0 through 127), corresponding pressure controls for each note, 128 control change (CC) controls (numbered likewise), one channel wide "aftertouch" control and one channel-wide pitchbend control. A MIDI port subchannel is specified using the syntax `channel.`. The shorthand `ch` may be used instead of the word `channel` (Note that `channel` here refers to the MIDI channel number). The following values are recognized for `type`: * `cc` - Control Changes * `note` - Note On/Off messages * `pressure` - Note pressure/aftertouch messages * `aftertouch` - Channel-wide aftertouch messages * `pitch` - Channel pitchbend messages The `pitch` and `aftertouch` events are channel-wide, thus they can be specified as `channel.`. Example mappings: ``` jack1.cv_in > jack1.midi_out.ch0.note3 jack1.midi_in.ch0.pitch > jack1.cv_out ``` The MIDI subchannel syntax is intentionally kept compatible to the different MIDI backends also supported by the MIDIMonster #### Known bugs / problems While JACK has rudimentary capabilities for transporting OSC messages, configuring and parsing such channels with this backend would take a great amount of dedicated syntax & code. CV ports can provide fine-grained single control channels as an alternative to MIDI. This feature may be implemented at some point in the future.