#include "libmmbackend.h" void mmbackend_parse_hostspec(char* spec, char** host, char** port, char** options){ size_t u = 0; if(!spec || !host || !port){ return; } *port = NULL; //skip leading spaces for(; spec[u] && isspace(spec[u]); u++){ } if(!spec[u]){ *host = NULL; return; } *host = spec + u; //scan until string end or space for(; spec[u] && !isspace(spec[u]); u++){ } //if space, the rest should be the port if(spec[u]){ spec[u] = 0; *port = spec + u + 1; } if(options){ *options = NULL; if(*port){ //scan for space after port for(u = 0; (*port)[u] && !isspace((*port)[u]); u++){ } if(isspace((*port)[u])){ (*port)[u] = 0; *options = (*port) + u + 1; } } } } int mmbackend_parse_sockaddr(char* host, char* port, struct sockaddr_storage* addr, socklen_t* len){ struct addrinfo* head; struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC }; int error = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &head); if(error || !head){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse address %s port %s: %s\n", host, port, gai_strerror(error)); return 1; } memcpy(addr, head->ai_addr, head->ai_addrlen); if(len){ *len = head->ai_addrlen; } freeaddrinfo(head); return 0; } int mmbackend_socket(char* host, char* port, int socktype, uint8_t listener, uint8_t mcast){ int fd = -1, status, yes = 1; struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_socktype = socktype, .ai_flags = (listener ? AI_PASSIVE : 0) }; struct addrinfo *info, *addr_it; status = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &info); if(status){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse address %s port %s: %s\n", host, port, gai_strerror(status)); return -1; } //traverse the result list for(addr_it = info; addr_it; addr_it = addr_it->ai_next){ fd = socket(addr_it->ai_family, addr_it->ai_socktype, addr_it->ai_protocol); if(fd < 0){ continue; } //set required socket options yes = 1; if(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&yes, sizeof(yes)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to enable SO_REUSEADDR on socket\n"); } if(mcast){ yes = 1; if(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (void*)&yes, sizeof(yes)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to enable SO_BROADCAST on socket\n"); } yes = 0; if(setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (void*)&yes, sizeof(yes)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to disable IP_MULTICAST_LOOP on socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } if(listener){ status = bind(fd, addr_it->ai_addr, addr_it->ai_addrlen); if(status < 0){ close(fd); continue; } } else{ status = connect(fd, addr_it->ai_addr, addr_it->ai_addrlen); if(status < 0){ close(fd); continue; } } break; } freeaddrinfo(info); if(!addr_it){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create socket for %s port %s\n", host, port); return -1; } //set nonblocking #ifdef _WIN32 u_long mode = 1; if(ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &mode) != NO_ERROR){ closesocket(fd); return 1; } #else int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); if(fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set socket nonblocking\n"); close(fd); return -1; } #endif return fd; } int mmbackend_send(int fd, uint8_t* data, size_t length){ ssize_t total = 0, sent; while(total < length){ sent = send(fd, data + total, length - total, 0); if(sent < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } total += sent; } return 0; } int mmbackend_send_str(int fd, char* data){ return mmbackend_send(fd, (uint8_t*) data, strlen(data)); } json_type json_identify(char* json, size_t length){ size_t n; //skip leading blanks for(n = 0; json[n] && n < length && isspace(json[n]); n++){ } if(n == length){ return JSON_INVALID; } switch(json[n]){ case '{': return JSON_OBJECT; case '[': return JSON_ARRAY; case '"': return JSON_STRING; case '-': case '+': return JSON_NUMBER; default: //true false null number if(!strncmp(json + n, "true", 4) || !strncmp(json + n, "false", 5)){ return JSON_BOOL; } else if(!strncmp(json + n, "null", 4)){ return JSON_NULL; } //a bit simplistic but it should do if(isdigit(json[n])){ return JSON_NUMBER; } } return JSON_INVALID; } size_t json_validate(char* json, size_t length){ switch(json_identify(json, length)){ case JSON_STRING: return json_validate_string(json, length); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_validate_array(json, length); case JSON_OBJECT: return json_validate_object(json, length); case JSON_INVALID: return 0; default: return json_validate_value(json, length); } } size_t json_validate_string(char* json, size_t length){ size_t string_length = 0, offset; //skip leading whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(offset == length || json[offset] != '"'){ return 0; } //find terminating quotation mark not preceded by escape for(string_length = 1; offset + string_length < length && isprint(json[offset + string_length]) && (json[offset + string_length] != '"' || json[offset + string_length - 1] == '\\'); string_length++){ } //complete string found if(json[offset + string_length] == '"' && json[offset + string_length - 1] != '\\'){ return offset + string_length + 1; } return 0; } size_t json_validate_array(char* json, size_t length){ size_t offset = 0; //skip leading whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(offset == length || json[offset] != '['){ return 0; } for(offset++; offset < length; offset++){ offset += json_validate(json + offset, length - offset); //skip trailing whitespace, find terminator for(; offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] == ','){ continue; } if(json[offset] == ']'){ return offset + 1; } break; } return 0; } size_t json_validate_object(char* json, size_t length){ size_t offset = 0; //skip whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(offset == length || json[offset] != '{'){ return 0; } for(offset++; offset < length; offset++){ if(json_identify(json + offset, length - offset) != JSON_STRING){ //still could be an empty object... for(; offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] == '}'){ return offset + 1; } return 0; } offset += json_validate(json + offset, length - offset); //find value separator for(; offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] != ':'){ return 0; } offset++; offset += json_validate(json + offset, length - offset); //skip trailing whitespace for(; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] == '}'){ return offset + 1; } else if(json[offset] != ','){ return 0; } } return 0; } size_t json_validate_value(char* json, size_t length){ size_t offset = 0, value_length; //skip leading whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && offset < length && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(offset == length){ return 0; } //match complete values if(length - offset >= 4 && !strncmp(json + offset, "null", 4)){ return offset + 4; } else if(length - offset >= 4 && !strncmp(json + offset, "true", 4)){ return offset + 4; } else if(length - offset >= 5 && !strncmp(json + offset, "false", 5)){ return offset + 5; } if(json[offset] == '-' || isdigit(json[offset])){ //json number parsing is dumb. for(value_length = 1; offset + value_length < length && (isdigit(json[offset + value_length]) || json[offset + value_length] == '+' || json[offset + value_length] == '-' || json[offset + value_length] == '.' || tolower(json[offset + value_length]) == 'e'); value_length++){ } if(value_length > 0){ return offset + value_length; } } return 0; } size_t json_obj_offset(char* json, char* key){ size_t offset = 0; uint8_t match = 0; //skip whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] != '{'){ return 0; } offset++; while(json_identify(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)) == JSON_STRING){ //skip to key begin for(; json[offset] && json[offset] != '"'; offset++){ } if(!strncmp(json + offset + 1, key, strlen(key)) && json[offset + 1 + strlen(key)] == '"'){ //key found match = 1; } offset += json_validate_string(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); //skip to value separator for(; json[offset] && json[offset] != ':'; offset++){ } //skip whitespace for(offset++; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(match){ return offset; } //add length of value offset += json_validate(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); //skip trailing whitespace for(; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] == ','){ offset++; continue; } break; } return 0; } size_t json_array_offset(char* json, uint64_t key){ size_t offset = 0, index = 0; //skip leading whitespace for(offset = 0; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] != '['){ return 0; } for(offset++; index <= key; offset++){ //skip whitespace for(; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(index == key){ return offset; } offset += json_validate(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); //skip trailing whitespace, find terminator for(; json[offset] && isspace(json[offset]); offset++){ } if(json[offset] != ','){ break; } index++; } return 0; } json_type json_obj(char* json, char* key){ size_t offset = json_obj_offset(json, key); if(offset){ return json_identify(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); } return JSON_INVALID; } json_type json_array(char* json, uint64_t key){ size_t offset = json_array_offset(json, key); if(offset){ return json_identify(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); } return JSON_INVALID; } uint8_t json_obj_bool(char* json, char* key, uint8_t fallback){ size_t offset = json_obj_offset(json, key); if(offset){ if(!strncmp(json + offset, "true", 4)){ return 1; } if(!strncmp(json + offset, "false", 5)){ return 0; } } return fallback; } uint8_t json_array_bool(char* json, uint64_t key, uint8_t fallback){ size_t offset = json_array_offset(json, key); if(offset){ if(!strncmp(json + offset, "true", 4)){ return 1; } if(!strncmp(json + offset, "false", 5)){ return 0; } } return fallback; } int64_t json_obj_int(char* json, char* key, int64_t fallback){ char* next_token = NULL; int64_t result; size_t offset = json_obj_offset(json, key); if(offset){ result = strtol(json + offset, &next_token, 10); if(next_token != json + offset){ return result; } } return fallback; } double json_obj_double(char* json, char* key, double fallback){ char* next_token = NULL; double result; size_t offset = json_obj_offset(json, key); if(offset){ result = strtod(json + offset, &next_token); if(next_token != json + offset){ return result; } } return fallback; } int64_t json_array_int(char* json, uint64_t key, int64_t fallback){ char* next_token = NULL; int64_t result; size_t offset = json_array_offset(json, key); if(offset){ result = strtol(json + offset, &next_token, 10); if(next_token != json + offset){ return result; } } return fallback; } double json_array_double(char* json, uint64_t key, double fallback){ char* next_token = NULL; double result; size_t offset = json_array_offset(json, key); if(offset){ result = strtod(json + offset, &next_token); if(next_token != json + offset){ return result; } } return fallback; } char* json_obj_str(char* json, char* key, size_t* length){ size_t offset = json_obj_offset(json, key), raw_length; if(offset){ raw_length = json_validate_string(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); if(length){ *length = raw_length - 2; } return json + offset + 1; } return NULL; } char* json_obj_strdup(char* json, char* key){ size_t len = 0; char* value = json_obj_str(json, key, &len), *rv = NULL; if(len){ rv = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char)); if(rv){ memcpy(rv, value, len); } } return rv; } char* json_array_str(char* json, uint64_t key, size_t* length){ size_t offset = json_array_offset(json, key), raw_length; if(offset){ raw_length = json_validate_string(json + offset, strlen(json + offset)); if(length){ *length = raw_length - 2; } return json + offset + 1; } return NULL; } char* json_array_strdup(char* json, uint64_t key){ size_t len = 0; char* value = json_array_str(json, key, &len), *rv = NULL; if(len){ rv = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char)); if(rv){ memcpy(rv, value, len); } } return rv; }