#define BACKEND_NAME "python" #define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN #include #include #include "python.h" #define MMPY_INSTANCE_KEY "midimonster_instance" static PyThreadState* python_main = NULL; static wchar_t* program_name = NULL; static uint64_t last_timestamp = 0; static uint32_t timer_interval = 0; static size_t intervals = 0; static mmpy_timer* interval = NULL; MM_PLUGIN_API int init(){ backend python = { .name = BACKEND_NAME, .conf = python_configure, .create = python_instance, .conf_instance = python_configure_instance, .channel = python_channel, .handle = python_set, .process = python_handle, .start = python_start, .interval = python_interval, .shutdown = python_shutdown }; //register backend if(mm_backend_register(python)){ LOG("Failed to register backend"); return 1; } return 0; } static uint32_t python_interval(){ size_t u = 0; uint32_t next_timer = 1000; if(timer_interval){ for(u = 0; u < intervals; u++){ if(interval[u].interval && interval[u].interval - interval[u].delta < next_timer){ next_timer = interval[u].interval - interval[u].delta; } } DBGPF("Next timer fires in %" PRIu32, next_timer); return next_timer; } return 1000; } static void python_timer_recalculate(){ uint64_t next_interval = 0, gcd, residual; size_t u; //find lower interval bounds for(u = 0; u < intervals; u++){ if(interval[u].interval && (!next_interval || interval[u].interval < next_interval)){ next_interval = interval[u].interval; } } if(next_interval){ for(u = 0; u < intervals; u++){ if(interval[u].interval){ //calculate gcd of current interval and this timers interval gcd = interval[u].interval; while(gcd){ residual = next_interval % gcd; next_interval = gcd; gcd = residual; } //10msec is absolute lower limit and minimum gcd due to rounding if(next_interval <= 10){ next_interval = 10; break; } } } } timer_interval = next_interval; } static int python_configure(char* option, char* value){ LOG("No backend configuration possible"); return 1; } static int python_prepend_str(PyObject* list, char* str){ if(!list || !str){ return 1; } PyObject* item = PyUnicode_FromString(str); if(!item){ return 1; } if(PyList_Insert(list, 0, item) < 0){ Py_DECREF(item); return 1; } Py_DECREF(item); return 0; } static PyObject* mmpy_output(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; const char* channel_name = NULL; channel_value val = { {0} }; size_t u; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sd", &channel_name, &val.normalised)){ return NULL; } val.normalised = clamp(val.normalised, 1.0, 0.0); //if not started yet, create any requested channels so we can set them at load time if(!last_timestamp){ python_channel(inst, (char*) channel_name, mmchannel_output); } for(u = 0; u < data->channels; u++){ if(!strcmp(data->channel[u].name, channel_name)){ DBGPF("Setting channel %s.%s to %f", inst->name, channel_name, val.normalised); data->channel[u].out = val.normalised; if(!last_timestamp){ data->channel[u].mark = 1; } else{ mm_channel_event(mm_channel(inst, u, 0), val); } return 0; } } if(u == data->channels){ DBGPF("Output on unknown channel %s.%s, no event pushed", inst->name, channel_name); } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject* mmpy_channel_value(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, uint8_t in){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; const char* channel_name = NULL; size_t u; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &channel_name)){ return NULL; } for(u = 0; u < data->channels; u++){ if(!strcmp(data->channel[u].name, channel_name)){ return PyFloat_FromDouble(in ? data->channel[u].in : data->channel[u].out); } } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject* mmpy_current_handler(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; if(data->current_channel){ return PyUnicode_FromString(data->current_channel->name); } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject* mmpy_output_value(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ return mmpy_channel_value(self, args, 0); } static PyObject* mmpy_input_value(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ return mmpy_channel_value(self, args, 1); } static PyObject* mmpy_timestamp(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(mm_timestamp()); } static PyObject* mmpy_interval(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; unsigned long updated_interval = 0; PyObject* reference = NULL; size_t u; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Ok", &reference, &updated_interval)){ return NULL; } if(!PyCallable_Check(reference)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "interval() requires a callable"); return NULL; } //round interval if(updated_interval % 10 < 5){ updated_interval -= updated_interval % 10; } else{ updated_interval += (10 - (updated_interval % 10)); } //find reference for(u = 0; u < intervals; u++){ if(interval[u].interpreter == data->interpreter && PyObject_RichCompareBool(reference, interval[u].reference, Py_EQ) == 1){ DBGPF("Updating interval to %" PRIu64 " msec", updated_interval); break; } } //register new interval if(u == intervals && updated_interval){ //create new interval slot DBGPF("Registering interval with %" PRIu64 " msec", updated_interval); interval = realloc(interval, (intervals + 1) * sizeof(mmpy_timer)); if(!interval){ intervals = 0; LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(reference); interval[intervals].delta = 0; interval[intervals].reference = reference; interval[intervals].interpreter = data->interpreter; intervals++; } //update if existing or created if(u < intervals){ interval[u].interval = updated_interval; python_timer_recalculate(); } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject* mmpy_cleanup_handler(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; PyObject* current_handler = data->cleanup_handler; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &(data->cleanup_handler)) || (data->cleanup_handler != Py_None && !PyCallable_Check(data->cleanup_handler))){ data->cleanup_handler = current_handler; return NULL; } if(data->cleanup_handler == Py_None){ DBGPF("Cleanup handler removed on %s (previously %s)", inst->name, current_handler ? "active" : "inactive"); data->cleanup_handler = NULL; } else{ DBGPF("Cleanup handler installed on %s (previously %s)", inst->name, current_handler ? "active" : "inactive"); Py_INCREF(data->cleanup_handler); } if(!current_handler){ Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } //do not decrease refcount on current_handler here as the reference may be used by python code again return current_handler; } static PyObject* mmpy_manage_fd(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){ instance* inst = *((instance**) PyModule_GetState(self)); python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; PyObject* handler = NULL, *sock = NULL, *fileno = NULL; size_t u = 0, last_free = 0; int fd = -1; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &handler, &sock) || sock == Py_None || (handler != Py_None && !PyCallable_Check(handler))){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "manage() requires either None or a callable and a socket-like object"); return NULL; } fileno = PyObject_CallMethod(sock, "fileno", NULL); if(!fileno || fileno == Py_None || !PyLong_Check(fileno)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "manage() requires a socket-like object"); return NULL; } fd = PyLong_AsLong(fileno); if(fd < 0){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "manage() requires a (connected) socket-like object"); return NULL; } //check if this socket instance was already registered last_free = data->sockets; for(u = 0; u < data->sockets; u++){ if(!data->socket[u].socket){ last_free = u; } else if(PyObject_RichCompareBool(sock, data->socket[u].socket, Py_EQ) == 1){ break; } } if(u < data->sockets){ //modify existing socket Py_XDECREF(data->socket[u].handler); if(handler != Py_None){ DBGPF("Updating handler for fd %d on %s", fd, inst->name); data->socket[u].handler = handler; Py_INCREF(handler); } else{ DBGPF("Unregistering fd %d on %s", fd, inst->name); mm_manage_fd(data->socket[u].fd, BACKEND_NAME, 0, NULL); Py_XDECREF(data->socket[u].socket); data->socket[u].handler = NULL; data->socket[u].socket = NULL; data->socket[u].fd = -1; } } else if(handler != Py_None){ //check that the fd is not already registered with another socket instance for(u = 0; u < data->sockets; u++){ if(data->socket[u].fd == fd){ //FIXME this might also raise an exception LOGPF("Descriptor already registered with another socket on instance %s", inst->name); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } DBGPF("Registering new fd %d on %s", fd, inst->name); if(last_free == data->sockets){ //allocate a new socket instance data->socket = realloc(data->socket, (data->sockets + 1) * sizeof(mmpy_socket)); if(!data->socket){ data->sockets = 0; LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } data->sockets++; } //store new reference //FIXME check this for errors mm_manage_fd(fd, BACKEND_NAME, 1, inst); data->socket[last_free].fd = fd; Py_INCREF(handler); data->socket[last_free].handler = handler; Py_INCREF(sock); data->socket[last_free].socket = sock; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static int mmpy_exec(PyObject* module) { instance** inst = (instance**) PyModule_GetState(module); //FIXME actually use interpreter dict (from python 3.8) here at some point PyObject* capsule = PyDict_GetItemString(PyThreadState_GetDict(), MMPY_INSTANCE_KEY); if(capsule && inst){ *inst = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, NULL); return 0; } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AssertionError, "Failed to pass instance pointer for initialization"); return -1; } static int python_configure_instance(instance* inst, char* option, char* value){ python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; PyObject* module = NULL; //load python script if(!strcmp(option, "module")){ //swap to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(data->interpreter); //import the module module = PyImport_ImportModule(value); if(!module){ LOGPF("Failed to import module %s to instance %s", value, inst->name); PyErr_Print(); } Py_XDECREF(module); PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); return 0; } else if(!strcmp(option, "default-handler")){ free(data->default_handler); data->default_handler = strdup(value); return 0; } LOGPF("Unknown instance parameter %s for instance %s", option, inst->name); return 1; } static PyObject* mmpy_init(){ static PyModuleDef_Slot mmpy_slots[] = { {Py_mod_exec, (void*) mmpy_exec}, {0} }; static PyMethodDef mmpy_methods[] = { {"output", mmpy_output, METH_VARARGS, "Output a channel event on the instance"}, {"inputvalue", mmpy_input_value, METH_VARARGS, "Get last input value for a channel on the instance"}, {"outputvalue", mmpy_output_value, METH_VARARGS, "Get the last output value for a channel on the instance"}, {"current", mmpy_current_handler, METH_VARARGS, "Get the name of the currently executing channel handler"}, {"timestamp", mmpy_timestamp, METH_VARARGS, "Get the core timestamp (in milliseconds)"}, {"manage", mmpy_manage_fd, METH_VARARGS, "(Un-)register a socket or file descriptor for notifications"}, {"interval", mmpy_interval, METH_VARARGS, "Register or update an interval handler"}, {"cleanup_handler", mmpy_cleanup_handler, METH_VARARGS, "Register or update the instances cleanup handler"}, {0} }; static struct PyModuleDef mmpy = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "midimonster", NULL, /*doc size*/ sizeof(instance*), mmpy_methods, mmpy_slots }; //single-phase init //return PyModule_Create(&mmpy); //multi-phase init return PyModuleDef_Init(&mmpy); } static int python_instance(instance* inst){ python_instance_data* data = calloc(1, sizeof(python_instance_data)); PyObject* interpreter_dict = NULL; char current_directory[8192]; if(!data){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return 1; } //lazy-init because we need the interpreter running before _start, //but don't want it running if no instances are defined if(!python_main){ LOG("Initializing main python interpreter"); if(PyImport_AppendInittab("midimonster", &mmpy_init)){ LOG("Failed to extend python inittab for main interpreter"); } program_name = Py_DecodeLocale("midimonster", NULL); Py_SetProgramName(program_name); //initialize python Py_InitializeEx(0); //create, acquire and release the GIL PyEval_InitThreads(); python_main = PyEval_SaveThread(); } //acquire the GIL before creating a new interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(python_main); //create subinterpreter for new instance data->interpreter = Py_NewInterpreter(); //push cwd as import path if(getcwd(current_directory, sizeof(current_directory))){ if(python_prepend_str(PySys_GetObject("path"), current_directory)){ LOG("Failed to push current working directory to python"); goto bail; } } //push the instance pointer for later module initialization //FIXME python 3.8 introduces interpreter_dict = PyInterpreterState_GetDict(data->interpreter->interp); //for now use thread state... interpreter_dict = PyThreadState_GetDict(); if(!interpreter_dict){ LOG("Failed to access per-interpreter data storage"); goto bail; } //FIXME this might leak a reference to the capsule if(PyDict_SetItemString(interpreter_dict, MMPY_INSTANCE_KEY, PyCapsule_New(inst, NULL, NULL))){ LOG("Failed to set per-interpreter instance pointer"); goto bail; } //NewInterpreter leaves us with the GIL, drop it PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); inst->impl = data; return 0; bail: if(data->interpreter){ PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); } free(data); return 1; } static channel* python_channel(instance* inst, char* spec, uint8_t flags){ python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; size_t u; for(u = 0; u < data->channels; u++){ if(!strcmp(data->channel[u].name, spec)){ break; } } if(u == data->channels){ data->channel = realloc(data->channel, (data->channels + 1) * sizeof(mmpython_channel)); if(!data->channel){ data->channels = 0; LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } memset(data->channel + u, 0, sizeof(mmpython_channel)); data->channel[u].name = strdup(spec); if(!data->channel[u].name){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; } data->channels++; } return mm_channel(inst, u, 1); } static int python_set(instance* inst, size_t num, channel** c, channel_value* v){ python_instance_data* data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; mmpython_channel* chan = NULL; PyObject* result = NULL; size_t u; //swap to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(data->interpreter); for(u = 0; u < num; u++){ chan = data->channel + c[u]->ident; //call handler if present if(chan->handler){ DBGPF("Calling handler for %s.%s", inst->name, chan->name); data->current_channel = chan; result = PyObject_CallFunction(chan->handler, "d", v[u].normalised); Py_XDECREF(result); data->current_channel = NULL; DBGPF("Done with handler for %s.%s", inst->name, chan->name); } //update input value buffer after finishing the handler chan->in = v[u].normalised; } //release interpreter PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); return 0; } static int python_handle(size_t num, managed_fd* fds){ instance* inst = NULL; python_instance_data* data = NULL; PyObject* result = NULL; size_t u, p; //handle intervals if(timer_interval){ uint64_t delta = mm_timestamp() - last_timestamp; last_timestamp = mm_timestamp(); //add delta to all active timers for(u = 0; u < intervals; u++){ if(interval[u].interval){ interval[u].delta += delta; //if timer expired, call handler if(interval[u].delta >= interval[u].interval){ interval[u].delta %= interval[u].interval; DBGPF("Calling interval handler %" PRIsize_t ", last delta %" PRIu64, u, delta); //swap to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(interval[u].interpreter); //call handler result = PyObject_CallFunction(interval[u].reference, NULL); Py_XDECREF(result); //release interpreter PyEval_ReleaseThread(interval[u].interpreter); } } } } for(u = 0; u < num; u++){ inst = (instance*) fds[u].impl; data = (python_instance_data*) inst->impl; //swap to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(data->interpreter); //handle callbacks for(p = 0; p < data->sockets; p++){ if(data->socket[p].socket && data->socket[p].fd == fds[u].fd){ //FIXME maybe close/unregister the socket on handling errors DBGPF("Calling descriptor handler on %s for fd %d", inst->name, data->socket[p].fd); result = PyObject_CallFunction(data->socket[p].handler, "O", data->socket[p].socket); Py_XDECREF(result); } } //release interpreter PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); } return 0; } static PyObject* python_resolve_symbol(char* spec_raw){ char* module_name = NULL, *object_name = NULL, *spec = strdup(spec_raw); PyObject* module = NULL, *result = NULL; module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); object_name = spec; module_name = strchr(object_name, '.'); if(module_name){ *module_name = 0; //returns borrowed reference module = PyImport_AddModule(object_name); if(!module){ LOGPF("Module %s for symbol %s.%s is not loaded", object_name, object_name, module_name + 1); return NULL; } object_name = module_name + 1; //returns new reference result = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, object_name); } free(spec); return result; } static int python_start(size_t n, instance** inst){ python_instance_data* data = NULL; size_t u, p; channel_value v; //resolve channel references to handler functions for(u = 0; u < n; u++){ data = (python_instance_data*) inst[u]->impl; DBGPF("Starting up instance %s", inst[u]->name); //switch to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(data->interpreter); if(data->default_handler){ data->handler = python_resolve_symbol(data->default_handler); } for(p = 0; p < data->channels; p++){ if(!strchr(data->channel[p].name, '.') && data->handler){ data->channel[p].handler = data->handler; } else{ data->channel[p].handler = python_resolve_symbol(data->channel[p].name); } //push initial values if(data->channel[p].mark){ v.normalised = data->channel[p].out; mm_channel_event(mm_channel(inst[u], p, 0), v); } } //release interpreter PyEval_ReleaseThread(data->interpreter); } return 0; } static int python_shutdown(size_t n, instance** inst){ size_t u, p; PyObject* result = NULL; python_instance_data* data = NULL; //if there are no instances, the python interpreter is not started, so cleanup can be skipped if(python_main){ //release interval references for(p = 0; p < intervals; p++){ //swap to interpreter PyEval_RestoreThread(interval[p].interpreter); Py_XDECREF(interval[p].reference); PyEval_ReleaseThread(interval[p].interpreter); } //lock the GIL for later interpreter release PyEval_RestoreThread(python_main); for(u = 0; u < n; u++){ data = (python_instance_data*) inst[u]->impl; //swap to interpreter to be safe for releasing the references PyThreadState_Swap(data->interpreter); //run cleanup handler before cleaning up channel data to allow reading channel data if(data->cleanup_handler){ result = PyObject_CallFunction(data->cleanup_handler, NULL); Py_XDECREF(result); Py_XDECREF(data->cleanup_handler); } //clean up channels for(p = 0; p < data->channels; p++){ free(data->channel[p].name); Py_XDECREF(data->channel[p].handler); } free(data->channel); free(data->default_handler); Py_XDECREF(data->handler); //close sockets for(p = 0; p < data->sockets; p++){ close(data->socket[p].fd); //FIXME does python do this on its own? Py_XDECREF(data->socket[p].socket); Py_XDECREF(data->socket[p].handler); } //shut down interpreter, GIL is held after this but state is NULL DBGPF("Shutting down interpreter for instance %s", inst[u]->name); PyErr_Clear(); //PyThreadState_Clear(data->interpreter); Py_EndInterpreter(data->interpreter); free(data); } //shut down main interpreter PyThreadState_Swap(python_main); if(Py_FinalizeEx()){ LOG("Failed to shut down python library"); } PyMem_RawFree(program_name); } LOG("Backend shut down"); return 0; }