### The `python` backend The `python` backend provides a flexible programming environment, allowing users to route, generate and manipulate channel events using the Python 3 scripting languge. Every instance has its own interpreter, which can be loaded with multiple Python modules. These modules may contain member functions accepting a single `float` parameter, which can then be used as target channels. For each incoming event, the handler function is called. To interact with the MIDIMonster core, import the `midimonster` module from within your module. The `midimonster` module provides the following functions: | Function | Usage example | Description | |-------------------------------|---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | `output(string, float)` | `midimonster.output("foo", 0.75)` | Output a value event to a channel | | `inputvalue(string)` | `midimonster.inputvalue("foo")` | Get the last input value on a channel | | `outputvalue(string)` | `midimonster.outputvalue("bar")` | Get the last output value on a channel | | `current()` | `print(midimonster.current())` | Returns the name of the input channel whose handler function is currently running or `None` if the interpreter was called from another context | Example Python module: ``` import midimonster def in1(value): midimonster.output("out1", 1 - value) ``` Input values range between 0.0 and 1.0, output values are clamped to the same range. #### Global configuration The `python` backend does not take any global configuration. #### Instance configuration | Option | Example value | Default value | Description | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | `module` | `my_handlers.py` | none | (Path to) Python module source file, relative to configuration file location | A single instance may have multiple `module` options specified. This will make all handlers available within their module namespaces (see the section on channel specification). #### Channel specification Channel names may be any valid Python function name. To call handler functions in a module, specify the channel as the functions qualified path (by prefixing it with the module name and a dot). Example mappings: ``` py1.my_handlers.in1 < py1.foo py1.out1 > py2.module.handler ``` #### Known bugs / problems Output values will not trigger corresponding input event handlers unless the channel is mapped back in the MIDIMonster configuration. This is intentional. Importing a Python module named `midimonster` may cause problems and is unsupported. There is currently no functionality for cyclic execution. This may be implemented in a future release.