### The `python` backend The `python` backend provides a flexible programming environment, allowing users to route, generate and manipulate channel events using the Python 3 scripting language. Every instance has its own interpreter, which can be loaded with multiple Python modules. These modules may contain member functions accepting a single `float` parameter, which can then be used as target channels. For each incoming event, the handler function is called. Python modules may also register `socket` objects (and an associated callback function) with the MIDIMonster core, which will then alert the module when there is data ready to be read. To interact with the MIDIMonster core, import the `midimonster` module from within your module. The `midimonster` module provides the following functions: | Function | Usage example | Description | |-------------------------------|---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | `output(string, float)` | `midimonster.output("foo", 0.75)` | Output a value event to a channel | | `inputvalue(string)` | `midimonster.inputvalue("foo")` | Get the last input value on a channel | | `outputvalue(string)` | `midimonster.outputvalue("bar")` | Get the last output value on a channel | | `current()` | `print(midimonster.current())` | Returns the name of the input channel whose handler function is currently running or `None` if the interpreter was called from another context | | `timestamp()` | `print(midimonster.timestamp())` | Get the internal core timestamp (in milliseconds) | | `interval(function, long)` | `midimonster.interval(toggle, 100)` | Register a function to be called periodically. Interval is specified in milliseconds (accurate to 10msec). Calling `interval` with the same function again updates the interval. Specifying the interval as `0` cancels the interval | | `manage(function, socket)` | `midimonster.manage(handler, socket)`| Register a (connected/listening) socket to the MIDIMonster core. Calls `function(socket)` when the socket is ready to read. Calling this method with `None` as the function argument unregisters the socket. A socket may only have one associated handler | Example Python module: ```python import socket import midimonster # Simple channel ahndler def in1(value): midimonster.output("out1", 1 - value) # Socket data handler def socket_handler(sock): # This should get some more error handling data = sock.recv(1024) print("Received %d bytes from socket: %s" % (len(data), data)) if(len(data) == 0): # Unmanage the socket if it has been closed midimonster.manage(None, sock) sock.close() # Interval handler def ping(): print(midimonster.timestamp()) # Register an interval midimonster.interval(ping, 1000) # Create and register a client socket (add error handling as you like) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("localhost", 8990)) midimonster.manage(socket_handler, s) ``` Input values range between 0.0 and 1.0, output values are clamped to the same range. Note that registered sockets that have been closed (`socket.recv()` returned 0 bytes) need to be unregistered from the MIDIMonster core, otherwise the core socket multiplexing mechanism will report an error and shut down the MIDIMonster. #### Global configuration The `python` backend does not take any global configuration. #### Instance configuration | Option | Example value | Default value | Description | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | `module` | `my_handlers.py` | none | (Path to) Python module source file, relative to configuration file location | A single instance may have multiple `module` options specified. This will make all handlers available within their module namespaces (see the section on channel specification). #### Channel specification Channel names may be any valid Python function name. To call handler functions in a module, specify the channel as the functions qualified path (by prefixing it with the module name and a dot). Example mappings: ``` py1.my_handlers.in1 < py1.foo py1.out1 > py2.module.handler ``` #### Known bugs / problems Output values will not trigger corresponding input event handlers unless the channel is mapped back in the MIDIMonster configuration. This is intentional. Importing a Python module named `midimonster` is probably a bad idea and thus unsupported. The MIDIMonster is, at its core, single-threaded. Do not try to use Python's `threading` module with the MIDIMonster. Note that executing Python code blocks the MIDIMonster core. It is not a good idea to call functions that take a long time to complete (such as `time.sleep()`) within your Python modules.