#include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #define MM_API __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) #else #define MM_API __attribute__((dllexport)) #endif #define BACKEND_NAME "core" #include "midimonster.h" #include "core.h" #include "backend.h" #include "routing.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "config.h" static size_t fds = 0; static int max_fd = -1; static managed_fd* fd = NULL; static managed_fd* signaled_fds = NULL; static volatile sig_atomic_t fd_set_dirty = 1; static uint64_t global_timestamp = 0; static fd_set all_fds; MM_API uint64_t mm_timestamp(){ return global_timestamp; } static void core_timestamp(){ #ifdef _WIN32 global_timestamp = GetTickCount(); #else struct timespec current; if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, ¤t)){ LOGPF("Failed to update global timestamp, time-based processing for some backends may be impaired: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } global_timestamp = current.tv_sec * 1000 + current.tv_nsec / 1000000; #endif } static fd_set core_collect(int* max_fd){ size_t u = 0; fd_set rv_fds; if(max_fd){ *max_fd = -1; } DBGPF("Building selector set from %" PRIsize_t " FDs registered to core", fds); FD_ZERO(&rv_fds); for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd >= 0){ FD_SET(fd[u].fd, &rv_fds); if(max_fd){ *max_fd = max(*max_fd, fd[u].fd); } } } return rv_fds; } MM_API int mm_manage_fd(int new_fd, char* back, int manage, void* impl){ backend* b = backend_match(back); size_t u; if(!b){ LOGPF("Unknown backend %s registered for managed fd", back); return 1; } //find exact match for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd == new_fd && fd[u].backend == b){ fd[u].impl = impl; if(!manage){ fd[u].fd = -1; fd[u].backend = NULL; fd[u].impl = NULL; fd_set_dirty = 1; } return 0; } } if(!manage){ return 0; } //find free slot for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd < 0){ break; } } //if necessary expand if(u == fds){ fd = realloc(fd, (fds + 1) * sizeof(managed_fd)); if(!fd){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return 1; } signaled_fds = realloc(signaled_fds, (fds + 1) * sizeof(managed_fd)); if(!signaled_fds){ LOG("Failed to allocate memory"); return 1; } fds++; } //store new fd fd[u].fd = new_fd; fd[u].backend = b; fd[u].impl = impl; fd_set_dirty = 1; return 0; } int core_initialize(){ FD_ZERO(&all_fds); //load initial timestamp core_timestamp(); #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsa; WORD version = MAKEWORD(2, 2); if(WSAStartup(version, &wsa)){ return 1; } _fmode = _O_BINARY; #endif //attach plugins if(plugins_load(PLUGINS)){ LOG("Failed to initialize a backend"); return 1; } return 0; } int core_start(){ if(backends_start()){ return 1; } routing_stats(); if(!fds){ LOG("No descriptors registered for multiplexing"); } return 0; } int core_iteration(){ fd_set read_fds; struct timeval tv; int error; size_t n, u; #ifdef _WIN32 char* error_message = NULL; #else struct timespec ts; #endif //rebuild fd set if necessary if(fd_set_dirty || !signaled_fds){ all_fds = core_collect(&max_fd); fd_set_dirty = 0; } //wait for & translate events read_fds = all_fds; tv = backend_timeout(); //check whether there are any fds active, windows does not like select() without descriptors if(max_fd >= 0){ error = select(max_fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(error < 0){ #ifndef _WIN32 LOGPF("select failed: %s", strerror(errno)); #else FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, WSAGetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &error_message, 0, NULL); LOGPF("select failed: %s", error_message); LocalFree(error_message); error_message = NULL; #endif return 1; } } else{ DBGPF("No descriptors, sleeping for %zu msec", tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000); #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000); #else ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); #endif } //update this iteration's timestamp core_timestamp(); //find all signaled fds n = 0; for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(fd[u].fd, &read_fds)){ signaled_fds[n] = fd[u]; n++; } } //run backend processing to collect events DBGPF("%" PRIsize_t " backend FDs signaled", nfds); if(backends_handle(n, signaled_fds)){ return 1; } //route generated events return routing_iteration(); } static void fds_free(){ size_t u; for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd >= 0){ close(fd[u].fd); fd[u].fd = -1; } } free(fd); fds = 0; fd = NULL; } void core_shutdown(){ backends_stop(); routing_cleanup(); free(signaled_fds); signaled_fds = NULL; fds_free(); plugins_close(); config_free(); fd_set_dirty = 1; }