#!/bin/bash ################################################ SETUP ################################################ deps=(libasound2-dev libevdev-dev liblua5.3-dev libola-dev libjack-jackd2-dev pkg-config libssl-dev gcc make wget git) user=$(whoami) # for bypassing user check replace "$(whoami)" with "root". script_path="`cd $0; pwd`" # Script dir tmp_path=$(mktemp -d) # Repo download path Iversion="v0.2" # (fallback version if ) makeargs=all # Build args VAR_DESTDIR="" # Unused VAR_PREFIX="/usr" VAR_PLUGINS="$VAR_PREFIX/lib/midimonster" VAR_DEFAULT_CFG="/etc/midimonster/midimonster.cfg" VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS="$VAR_PREFIX/share/midimonster" ################################################ SETUP ################################################ ############################################## FUNCTIONS ############################################## INSTALL-DEPS () { ##Install deps from array "$deps" for t in ${deps[@]}; do if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $t 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo "Installing "$t""; apt-get install $t -y; echo "Done."; else echo ""$t" already installed!" fi done echo "" } INSTALL-PREP () { echo "Starting Git!" git clone https://github.com/cbdevnet/midimonster.git "$tmp_path" # Gets Midimonster Iversion=(git describe --abbrev=0) # Get last tag(stable version) echo "Starting Git checkout to "$Iversion"" git checkout $Iversion $tmp_path echo "" read -e -i "$VAR_PREFIX" -p "PREFIX (Install root directory): " input # Reads VAR_PREFIX VAR_PREFIX="${input:-$VAR_PREFIX}" read -e -i "$VAR_PLUGINS" -p "PLUGINS (Plugin directory): " input # Reads VAR_PLUGINS VAR_PLUGINS="${input:-$VAR_PLUGINS}" read -e -i "$VAR_DEFAULT_CFG" -p "Default config path: " input # Reads VAR_DEFAULT_CFG VAR_DEFAULT_CFG="${input:-$VAR_DEFAULT_CFG}" read -e -i "$VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS" -p "Example config directory: " input # Reads VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS="${input:-$VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS}" export PREFIX=$VAR_PREFIX export PLUGINS=$VAR_PLUGINS export DEFAULT_CFG=$VAR_DEFAULT_CFG export DESTDIR=$VAR_DESTDIR export EXAMPLES=$VAR_EXAMPLE_CFGS } INSTALL-RUN () { # Build cd "$tmp_path" make clean make $makeargs make install } ERROR () { echo "Aborting..." CLEAN exit 1 } DONE () { echo Done. CLEAN exit 0 } CLEAN () { echo "Cleaning..." rm -rf $tmp_path } ############################################## FUNCTIONS ############################################## ################################################ Main ################################################# trap ERROR SIGINT SIGTERM SIGKILL clear if [ $user != "root" ]; then # Check if $user = root! echo "Installer must be run as root" ERROR fi if [ $(wget -q --spider http://github.com) $? -eq 0 ]; then "INSTALL-DEPS"; else echo You need connection to the internet; ERROR ; fi INSTALL-PREP echo "" INSTALL-RUN DONE