#include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #define MM_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #else #define MM_API __attribute__((dllexport)) #endif #include "midimonster.h" #include "config.h" #include "backend.h" #include "plugin.h" /* Core-internal structures */ typedef struct /*_event_collection*/ { size_t alloc; size_t n; channel** channel; channel_value* value; } event_collection; typedef struct /*_mm_channel_mapping*/ { channel* from; size_t destinations; channel** to; } channel_mapping; static size_t mappings = 0; static channel_mapping* map = NULL; static size_t fds = 0; static managed_fd* fd = NULL; static volatile sig_atomic_t fd_set_dirty = 1; static uint64_t global_timestamp = 0; static event_collection event_pool[2] = { {0}, {0} }; static event_collection* primary = event_pool; volatile static sig_atomic_t shutdown_requested = 0; static void signal_handler(int signum){ shutdown_requested = 1; } MM_API uint64_t mm_timestamp(){ return global_timestamp; } static void update_timestamp(){ #ifdef _WIN32 global_timestamp = GetTickCount(); #else struct timespec current; if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, ¤t)){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to update global timestamp, time-based processing for some backends may be impaired: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } global_timestamp = current.tv_sec * 1000 + current.tv_nsec / 1000000; #endif } int mm_map_channel(channel* from, channel* to){ size_t u, m; //find existing source mapping for(u = 0; u < mappings; u++){ if(map[u].from == from){ break; } } //create new entry if(u == mappings){ map = realloc(map, (mappings + 1) * sizeof(channel_mapping)); if(!map){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); return 1; } memset(map + mappings, 0, sizeof(channel_mapping)); mappings++; map[u].from = from; } //check whether the target is already mapped for(m = 0; m < map[u].destinations; m++){ if(map[u].to[m] == to){ return 0; } } map[u].to = realloc(map[u].to, (map[u].destinations + 1) * sizeof(channel*)); if(!map[u].to){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); map[u].destinations = 0; return 1; } map[u].to[map[u].destinations] = to; map[u].destinations++; return 0; } static void map_free(){ size_t u; for(u = 0; u < mappings; u++){ free(map[u].to); } free(map); mappings = 0; map = NULL; } MM_API int mm_manage_fd(int new_fd, char* back, int manage, void* impl){ backend* b = backend_match(back); size_t u; if(!b){ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown backend %s registered for managed fd\n", back); return 1; } //find exact match for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd == new_fd && fd[u].backend == b){ fd[u].impl = impl; if(!manage){ fd[u].fd = -1; fd[u].backend = NULL; fd[u].impl = NULL; fd_set_dirty = 1; } return 0; } } if(!manage){ return 0; } //find free slot for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd < 0){ break; } } //if necessary expand if(u == fds){ fd = realloc(fd, (fds + 1) * sizeof(managed_fd)); if(!fd){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); return 1; } fds++; } //store new fd fd[u].fd = new_fd; fd[u].backend = b; fd[u].impl = impl; fd_set_dirty = 1; return 0; } static void fds_free(){ size_t u; for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ //TODO free impl if(fd[u].fd >= 0){ close(fd[u].fd); fd[u].fd = -1; } } free(fd); fds = 0; fd = NULL; } MM_API int mm_channel_event(channel* c, channel_value v){ size_t u, p; //find mapped channels for(u = 0; u < mappings; u++){ if(map[u].from == c){ break; } } if(u == mappings){ //target-only channel return 0; } //resize event structures to fit additional events if(primary->n + map[u].destinations >= primary->alloc){ primary->channel = realloc(primary->channel, (primary->alloc + map[u].destinations) * sizeof(channel*)); primary->value = realloc(primary->value, (primary->alloc + map[u].destinations) * sizeof(channel_value)); if(!primary->channel || !primary->value){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); primary->alloc = 0; primary->n = 0; return 1; } primary->alloc += map[u].destinations; } //enqueue channel events //FIXME this might lead to one channel being mentioned multiple times in an apply call for(p = 0; p < map[u].destinations; p++){ primary->channel[primary->n + p] = map[u].to[p]; primary->value[primary->n + p] = v; } primary->n += map[u].destinations; return 0; } static void event_free(){ size_t u; for(u = 0; u < sizeof(event_pool) / sizeof(event_collection); u++){ free(event_pool[u].channel); free(event_pool[u].value); event_pool[u].alloc = 0; } } static void version(){ printf("MIDIMonster %s\n", MIDIMONSTER_VERSION); } static int usage(char* fn){ version(); fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s \n", fn); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static fd_set fds_collect(int* max_fd){ size_t u = 0; fd_set rv_fds; if(max_fd){ *max_fd = -1; } DBGPF("Building selector set from %lu FDs registered to core\n", fds); FD_ZERO(&rv_fds); for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd >= 0){ FD_SET(fd[u].fd, &rv_fds); if(max_fd){ *max_fd = max(*max_fd, fd[u].fd); } } } return rv_fds; } static int platform_initialize(){ #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsa; WORD version = MAKEWORD(2, 2); if(WSAStartup(version, &wsa)){ return 1; } #endif return 0; } static int platform_shutdown(){ #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD processes; if(GetConsoleProcessList(&processes, 1) == 1){ fprintf(stderr, "\nMIDIMonster is the last process in this console, please press any key to exit\n"); HANDLE input = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleMode(input, 0); FlushConsoleInputBuffer(input); WaitForSingleObject(input, INFINITE); } #endif return 0; } static int args_parse(int argc, char** argv, char** cfg_file){ size_t u; for(u = 1; u < argc; u++){ if(!strcmp(argv[u], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[u], "--version")){ version(); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[u], "-i")){ if(!argv[u + 1]){ fprintf(stderr, "Missing instance override specification\n"); return 1; } if(config_add_override(override_instance, argv[u + 1])){ return 1; } u++; } else if(!strcmp(argv[u], "-b")){ if(!argv[u + 1]){ fprintf(stderr, "Missing backend override specification\n"); return 1; } if(config_add_override(override_backend, argv[u + 1])){ return 1; } u++; } else{ //if nothing else matches, it's probably the configuration file *cfg_file = argv[u]; } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv){ fd_set all_fds, read_fds; event_collection* secondary = NULL; struct timeval tv; size_t u, n; managed_fd* signaled_fds = NULL; int rv = EXIT_FAILURE, error, maxfd = -1; char* cfg_file = DEFAULT_CFG; #ifdef _WIN32 char* error_message = NULL; #endif //parse commandline arguments if(args_parse(argc, argv, &cfg_file)){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(platform_initialize()){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to perform platform-specific initialization\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } FD_ZERO(&all_fds); //initialize backends if(plugins_load(PLUGINS)){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize a backend\n"); goto bail; } //read config if(config_read(cfg_file)){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read configuration file %s\n", cfg_file); backends_stop(); channels_free(); instances_free(); map_free(); fds_free(); plugins_close(); config_free(); return (usage(argv[0]) | platform_shutdown()); } //load an initial timestamp update_timestamp(); //start backends if(backends_start()){ goto bail; } signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); //process events while(!shutdown_requested){ //rebuild fd set if necessary if(fd_set_dirty){ all_fds = fds_collect(&maxfd); signaled_fds = realloc(signaled_fds, fds * sizeof(managed_fd)); if(!signaled_fds){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto bail; } fd_set_dirty = 0; } //wait for & translate events read_fds = all_fds; tv = backend_timeout(); error = select(maxfd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(error < 0){ #ifndef _WIN32 fprintf(stderr, "select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); #else FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, WSAGetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &error_message, 0, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "select failed: %s\n", error_message); LocalFree(error_message); error_message = NULL; #endif break; } //find all signaled fds n = 0; for(u = 0; u < fds; u++){ if(fd[u].fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(fd[u].fd, &read_fds)){ signaled_fds[n] = fd[u]; n++; } } //update this iteration's timestamp update_timestamp(); //run backend processing, collect events DBGPF("%lu backend FDs signaled\n", n); if(backends_handle(n, signaled_fds)){ goto bail; } while(primary->n){ //swap primary and secondary event collectors DBGPF("Swapping event collectors, %lu events in primary\n", primary->n); for(u = 0; u < sizeof(event_pool) / sizeof(event_collection); u++){ if(primary != event_pool + u){ secondary = primary; primary = event_pool + u; break; } } //push collected events to target backends if(secondary->n && backends_notify(secondary->n, secondary->channel, secondary->value)){ fprintf(stderr, "Backends failed to handle output\n"); goto bail; } //reset the event count secondary->n = 0; } } rv = EXIT_SUCCESS; bail: //free all data free(signaled_fds); backends_stop(); channels_free(); instances_free(); map_free(); fds_free(); event_free(); plugins_close(); config_free(); platform_shutdown(); return rv; }