#include #include #include #include "websocksy.h" #include "config.h" #include "plugin.h" /* Configuration file parser state */ static enum /*_config_file_section*/ { cfg_main, cfg_backend } config_section = cfg_main; /* Evaluate a single line within a configuration file */ static int config_file_line(ws_config* config, char* key, char* value, size_t line_no){ if(!strcmp(key, "port")){ free(config->port); config->port = strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(key, "listen")){ free(config->host); config->host = strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(key, "backend")){ //clean up the previously registered backend if(config->backend.cleanup){ config->backend.cleanup(); } //load the backend plugin if(plugin_backend_load(PLUGINS, value, &(config->backend))){ return 1; } if(config->backend.init() != WEBSOCKSY_API_VERSION){ fprintf(stderr, "Loaded backend %s was built for a different API version\n", value); return 1; } } return 0; } /* Read and parse a configuration file */ int config_parse_file(ws_config* config, char* filename){ ssize_t line_current; size_t line_alloc = 0, line_no = 1, key_len; char* line = NULL, *key, *value; FILE* input = fopen(filename, "r"); if(!input){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s as configuration file\n", filename); return 1; } for(line_current = getline(&line, &line_alloc, input); line_current >= 0; line_current = getline(&line, &line_alloc, input)){ if(!strncmp(line, "[core]", 6)){ config_section = cfg_main; } else if(!strncmp(line, "[backend]", 9)){ config_section = cfg_backend; } else if(line_current > 0){ //right-trim newlines & spaces from value for(line_current--; line_current && isspace(line[line_current]); line_current--){ line[line_current] = 0; } if(line_current > 0){ //left-trim key for(key = line; *key && isspace(key[0]); key++){ } value = strchr(key, '='); if(value){ *value = 0; //left-trim value for(value++; *value && isspace(value[0]); value++){ } //right-trim key for(key_len = strlen(key) - 1; *key && key_len && isspace(key[key_len]); key_len--){ key[key_len] = 0; } switch(config_section){ case cfg_main: if(config_file_line(config, key, value, line_no)){ free(line); fclose(input); return 1; } break; case cfg_backend: if(config->backend.config(key, value)){ fprintf(stderr, "Backend configuration failed in %s line %lu\n", filename, line_no); free(line); fclose(input); return 1; } break; } } } } line_no++; } free(line); fclose(input); return 0; } /* Parse an argument list */ int config_parse_arguments(ws_config* config, int argc, char** argv){ size_t u; char* option = NULL, *value = NULL; //if exactly one argument, treat it as config file if(argc == 1){ return config_parse_file(config, argv[0]); } if(argc % 2){ return 1; } for(u = 0; u < argc; u += 2){ if(argv[u][0] != '-'){ return 1; } switch(argv[u][1]){ case 'p': config_file_line(config, "port", argv[u + 1], 0); break; case 'l': config_file_line(config, "listen", argv[u + 1], 0); break; case 'b': config_file_line(config, "backend", argv[u + 1], 0); break; case 'c': if(!strchr(argv[u + 1], '=')){ return 1; } if(!config->backend.config){ continue; } option = strdup(argv[u + 1]); value = strchr(option, '='); *value = 0; value++; config->backend.config(option, value); free(option); option = NULL; value = NULL; break; } } return 0; }