#include static size_t socks = 0; static websocket* sock = NULL; int ws_close(websocket* ws){ size_t p; if(ws->fd >= 0){ close(ws->fd); ws->fd = -1; } if(ws->peer >= 0){ close(ws->peer); ws->peer = -1; } for(p = 0; p < ws->protocols; p++){ free(ws->protocol[p]); } ws->protocols = 0; ws->protocol = NULL; ws->read_buffer_offset = 0; free(ws->request_path); ws->request_path = NULL; free(ws->socket_key); ws->socket_key = NULL; ws->websocket_version = 0; ws->want_upgrade = 0; return 0; } int ws_accept(int listen_fd){ size_t n = 0; websocket ws = { .fd = accept(listen_fd, NULL, NULL), .peer = -1 }; //try to find a slot to occupy for(n = 0; n < socks; n++){ if(sock[n].fd == -1){ break; } } //none found, need to extend if(n == socks){ sock = realloc(sock, (socks + 1) * sizeof(websocket)); if(!sock){ close(ws.fd); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n"); return 1; } socks++; } sock[n] = ws; return 0; } int ws_handle_new(websocket* ws){ size_t u; char* path, *proto; if(!strncmp((char*) ws->read_buffer, "GET ", 4)){ path = (char*) ws->read_buffer + 4; for(u = 0; path[u] && !isspace(path[u]); u++){ } path[u] = 0; proto = path + u + 1; } //TODO handle other methods else{ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown HTTP method in request\n"); return 1; } if(strncmp(proto, "HTTP/", 5)){ fprintf(stderr, "Malformed HTTP initiation\n"); return 1; } ws->state = ws_http; ws->request_path = strdup(path); return 0; } int ws_upgrade_http(websocket* ws){ if(ws->websocket_version == 13 && ws->want_upgrade){ return 0; } return 1; } int ws_handle_http(websocket* ws){ char* header, *value; if(!ws->read_buffer[0]){ return ws_upgrade_http(ws); } else if(isspace(ws->read_buffer[0])){ //i hate header folding //TODO disconnect client return 1; } else{ header = (char*) ws->read_buffer; value = strchr(header, ':'); if(!value){ //TODO disconnect return 1; } *value = 0; value++; for(; isspace(*value); value++){ } } if(!strcmp(header, "Sec-WebSocket-Version")){ ws->websocket_version = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if(!strcmp(header, "Sec-WebSocket-Key")){ ws->socket_key = strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(header, "Upgrade") && !strcmp(value, "websocket")){ ws->want_upgrade = 1; } //TODO parse websocket protocol offers return 0; } int ws_data(websocket* ws){ ssize_t bytes_read, u, bytes_left = sizeof(ws->read_buffer) - ws->read_buffer_offset; int rv = 0; bytes_read = recv(ws->fd, ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset, bytes_left - 1, 0); if(bytes_read < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to receive from websocket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ws_close(ws); return 0; } else if(bytes_read == 0){ //client closed connection ws_close(ws); return 0; } //terminate new data ws->read_buffer[ws->read_buffer_offset + bytes_read] = 0; switch(ws->state){ case ws_new: case ws_http: //scan for newline, handle line for(u = 0; u < bytes_read - 1; u++){ if(!strncmp((char*) ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset + u, "\r\n", 2)){ //terminate line ws->read_buffer[ws->read_buffer_offset + u] = 0; if(ws->state == ws_new){ rv |= ws_handle_new(ws); } else{ rv |= ws_handle_http(ws); } //TODO handle rv //remove from buffer bytes_read -= (u + 2); memmove(ws->read_buffer, ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset + u + 2, bytes_read); ws->read_buffer_offset = 0; //restart from the beginning u = -1; } } break; //case ws_rfc6455: //TODO parse websocket encap, forward to peer } //update read buffer offset ws->read_buffer_offset = bytes_read; //disconnect spammy clients if(sizeof(ws->read_buffer) - ws->read_buffer_offset < 2){ fprintf(stderr, "Disconnecting misbehaving client\n"); ws_close(ws); return 0; } return rv; } void ws_cleanup(){ size_t n; for(n = 0; n < socks; n++){ ws_close(sock + n); } free(sock); sock = NULL; socks = 0; }