websocksyFlexible websocket transport bridge2 monthssummarylogtree
libyhyLibrary implementation of the Ehuoyan YHY NFC reader communication protocol8 monthssummarylogtree
libtwnLibrary implementation of the Elatec TWN3 NFC reader communication protocol8 monthssummarylogtree
midimonsterMulti-protocol translation software2 yearssummarylogtree
nfcommanderNFC-triggered command execution engine10 monthssummarylogtree
cswavePack CSV data into WAV files for compression and/or analysis3 yearssummarylogtree
wavextractUnpack WAV sample data into CSV files7 monthssummarylogtree
cargoholdcargohold lets you distribute and receive files on your own terms3 monthssummarylogtree