path: root/assets/ci.sh
diff options
authorcbdev <cb@cbcdn.com>2021-06-21 22:15:15 +0200
committercbdev <cb@cbcdn.com>2021-06-21 22:15:15 +0200
commita743153aafffb38a6d8765d1f1c634dde51d5558 (patch)
tree3cbc9910e5216953b16cf26c98751fbb370e3b54 /assets/ci.sh
parent921ce069a4770fbadad7bb4e806361e857469409 (diff)
Repository cleanup, part 2
Diffstat (limited to 'assets/ci.sh')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/ci.sh b/assets/ci.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a646a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/ci.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Check for Travis and use the provided fold method if detected
+if declare -f travis_fold > /dev/null; then
+ ci_fold(){
+ travis_fold "$1" "$2"
+ }
+ ci_fold(){
+ printf -- "-- %s stage %s --\n" "$1" "$2"
+ }
+if [ -z "$OS" ]; then
+ OS="linux"
+if [ "$TASK" = "spellcheck" ]; then
+ result=0
+ # Create list of files to be spellchecked
+ spellcheck_files=$(find . -type f | grep -v ".git/")
+ # Run spellintian to find spelling errors
+ sl_results=$(xargs spellintian 2>&1 <<< "$spellcheck_files")
+ sl_errors=$(wc -l <<< "$sl_results")
+ sl_errors_dups=$((grep "\(duplicate word\)" | wc -l) <<< "$sl_results")
+ sl_errors_nodups=$((grep -v "\(duplicate word\)" | wc -l) <<< "$sl_results")
+ if [ "$sl_errors" -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "Spellintian found %s errors (%s spelling, %s duplicate words):\n\n" "$sl_errors" "$sl_errors_nodups" "$sl_errors_dups"
+ printf "%s\n\n" "$sl_results"
+ result=1
+ else
+ printf "Spellintian reports no errors\n"
+ fi
+ # Run codespell to find some more
+ cs_results=$(xargs codespell --quiet 2 <<< "$spellcheck_files" 2>&1)
+ cs_errors=$(wc -l <<< "$cs_results")
+ if [ "$cs_errors" -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "Codespell found %s errors:\n\n" "$cs_errors"
+ printf "%s\n\n" "$cs_results"
+ result=1
+ else
+ printf "Codespell reports no errors\n"
+ fi
+ exit "$result"
+elif [ "$TASK" = "codesmell" ]; then
+ result=0
+ if [ -z "$(which lizard)" ]; then
+ printf "Installing lizard...\n"
+ pip3 install lizard
+ fi
+ # Run shellcheck for all shell scripts
+ printf "Running shellcheck...\n"
+ shell_files="$(find . -type f -iname \*.sh)"
+ xargs shellcheck -Cnever -s bash <<< "$shell_files"
+ if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
+ result=1
+ fi
+ # Run cloc for some stats
+ printf "Code statistics:\n\n"
+ cloc ./
+ # Run lizard for the project
+ printf "Running lizard for code complexity analysis\n"
+ lizard ./
+ if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
+ result=1
+ fi
+ exit "$result"
+elif [ "$TASK" = "sanitize" ]; then
+ # Run sanitized compile
+ ci_fold start "make_sanitize"
+ if ! make sanitize; then
+ printf "Failed to build\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ci_fold end "make_sanitize"
+elif [ "$TASK" = "windows" ]; then
+ ci_fold start "make_windows"
+ if ! make windows; then
+ printf "Failed to build\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ make -C backends lua.dll
+ ci_fold end "make_windows"
+ if [ "$(git describe)" == "$(git describe --abbrev=0)" ] || [ -n "$DEPLOY" ]; then
+ ci_fold start "deploy_windows"
+ mkdir ./deployment
+ mkdir ./deployment/backends
+ mkdir ./deployment/docs
+ # Strip the Windows binaries as they become huge quickly
+ strip midimonster.exe backends/*.dll
+ cp ./midimonster.exe ./deployment/
+ cp ./backends/*.dll ./deployment/backends/
+ cp ./backends/*.dll.disabled ./deployment/backends/
+ cp ./monster.cfg ./deployment/monster.cfg
+ cp ./backends/*.md ./deployment/docs/
+ cp -r ./configs ./deployment/
+ cd ./deployment
+ zip -r "./midimonster-$(git describe)-windows.zip" "./"
+ find . ! -iname '*.zip' -delete
+ ci_fold end "deploy_windows"
+ fi
+ # Otherwise compile as normal
+ ci_fold start "make"
+ if ! make full; then
+ printf "Failed to build\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ci_fold end "make"
+ if [ "$(git describe)" == "$(git describe --abbrev=0)" ] || [ -n "$DEPLOY" ]; then
+ ci_fold start "deploy_unix"
+ mkdir ./deployment
+ mkdir ./deployment/backends
+ mkdir ./deployment/docs
+ cp ./midimonster ./deployment/
+ cp ./backends/*.so ./deployment/backends/
+ cp ./monster.cfg ./deployment/monster.cfg
+ cp ./backends/*.md ./deployment/docs/
+ cp -r ./configs ./deployment/
+ cd ./deployment
+ tar czf "midimonster-$(git describe)-$OS.tgz" "./"
+ find . ! -iname '*.tgz' -delete
+ ci_fold end "deploy_unix"
+ fi