path: root/ws_proto.c
diff options
authorcbdev <cb@cbcdn.com>2019-05-25 15:57:20 +0200
committercbdev <cb@cbcdn.com>2019-05-25 15:57:20 +0200
commit20323140f55607d51199af8060b3d971451ae262 (patch)
treec0a20433ce5510e54d9fd2c222bb59fa5d570a46 /ws_proto.c
parent79e063d6aa6116231fdfb374f52507236ca3770e (diff)
Implement pongs, move to multiple TLUs
Diffstat (limited to 'ws_proto.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/ws_proto.c b/ws_proto.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c75fe22..0000000
--- a/ws_proto.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-#define RFC6455_MAGIC_KEY "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
-#define WS_FLAG_FIN 0x80
-#define WS_GET_FIN(a) ((a & WS_FLAG_FIN) >> 7)
-#define WS_GET_RESERVED(a) ((a & 0xE0) >> 4)
-#define WS_GET_OP(a) ((a & 0x0F))
-#define WS_GET_MASK(a) ((a & 0x80) >> 7)
-#define WS_GET_LEN(a) ((a & 0x7F))
-static size_t socks = 0;
-static websocket* sock = NULL;
-int ws_close(websocket* ws, ws_close_reason code, char* reason){
- size_t p;
- ws_peer_info empty_peer = {
- 0
- };
- if(ws->state == ws_open && reason){
- //TODO send close frame
- }
- ws->state = ws_closed;
- if(ws->ws_fd >= 0){
- close(ws->ws_fd);
- ws->ws_fd = -1;
- }
- if(ws->peer_fd >= 0){
- close(ws->peer_fd);
- ws->peer_fd = -1;
- //clean up framing data
- if(ws->peer_framing_data){
- ws->peer.framing(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &(ws->peer_framing_data), ws->peer.framing_config);
- ws->peer_framing_data = NULL;
- }
- }
- for(p = 0; p < ws->headers; p++){
- free(ws->header[p].tag);
- ws->header[p].tag = NULL;
- free(ws->header[p].value);
- ws->header[p].value = NULL;
- }
- ws->headers = 0;
- for(p = 0; p < ws->protocols; p++){
- free(ws->protocol[p]);
- }
- ws->protocols = 0;
- ws->protocol = NULL;
- ws->read_buffer_offset = 0;
- ws->peer_buffer_offset = 0;
- free(ws->request_path);
- ws->request_path = NULL;
- free(ws->socket_key);
- ws->socket_key = NULL;
- ws->websocket_version = 0;
- ws->want_upgrade = 0;
- free(ws->peer.host);
- free(ws->peer.port);
- free(ws->peer.framing_config);
- ws->peer = empty_peer;
- return 0;
-int ws_accept(int listen_fd){
- size_t n = 0;
- websocket ws = {
- .ws_fd = accept(listen_fd, NULL, NULL),
- .peer_fd = -1
- };
- //try to find a slot to occupy
- for(n = 0; n < socks; n++){
- if(sock[n].ws_fd == -1){
- break;
- }
- }
- //none found, need to extend
- if(n == socks){
- sock = realloc(sock, (socks + 1) * sizeof(websocket));
- if(!sock){
- close(ws.ws_fd);
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
- return 1;
- }
- socks++;
- }
- sock[n] = ws;
- return 0;
-int ws_handle_new(websocket* ws){
- size_t u;
- char* path, *proto;
- if(!strncmp((char*) ws->read_buffer, "GET ", 4)){
- path = (char*) ws->read_buffer + 4;
- for(u = 0; path[u] && !isspace(path[u]); u++){
- }
- path[u] = 0;
- proto = path + u + 1;
- }
- //TODO handle other methods
- else{
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown HTTP method in request\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strncmp(proto, "HTTP/", 5)){
- fprintf(stderr, "Malformed HTTP initiation\n");
- return 1;
- }
- ws->state = ws_http;
- ws->request_path = strdup(path);
- return 0;
-int ws_upgrade_http(websocket* ws){
- if(ws->websocket_version == 13
- && ws->socket_key
- && ws->want_upgrade == 3){
- //find and connect peer
- if(connect_peer(ws)){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, "500 Peer connection failed");
- return 0;
- }
- if(network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "HTTP/1.1 101 Upgrading\r\n")
- || network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n")
- || network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n")){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- //calculate the websocket accept key, which for some reason is defined as
- //base64(sha1(concat(trim(client-key), "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")))
- //requiring not one but 2 unnecessarily complex operations
- size_t encode_offset = 0;
- struct sha1_ctx ws_accept_ctx;
- struct base64_encode_ctx ws_accept_encode;
- uint8_t ws_accept_digest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
- char ws_accept_key[BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE) + 3] = "";
- sha1_init(&ws_accept_ctx);
- sha1_update(&ws_accept_ctx, strlen(ws->socket_key), (uint8_t*) ws->socket_key);
- sha1_update(&ws_accept_ctx, strlen(RFC6455_MAGIC_KEY), (uint8_t*) RFC6455_MAGIC_KEY);
- sha1_digest(&ws_accept_ctx, sizeof(ws_accept_digest), (uint8_t*) &ws_accept_digest);
- base64_encode_init(&ws_accept_encode);
- encode_offset = base64_encode_update(&ws_accept_encode, (uint8_t*) ws_accept_key, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, ws_accept_digest);
- encode_offset += base64_encode_final(&ws_accept_encode, (uint8_t*) ws_accept_key + encode_offset);
- memcpy(ws_accept_key + encode_offset, "\r\n\0", 3);
- //send websocket accept key
- if(network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ")
- || network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, ws_accept_key)){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- //acknowledge selected protocol
- if(ws->peer.protocol < ws->protocols){
- if(network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ")
- || network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, ws->protocol[ws->peer.protocol])
- || network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "\r\n")){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- ws->state = ws_open;
- if(network_send_str(ws->ws_fd, "\r\n")){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //RFC An unsupported version must be answered with HTTP 426
- if(ws->websocket_version != 13){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, "426 Unsupported protocol version");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-int ws_handle_http(websocket* ws){
- char* header, *value;
- ssize_t p;
- if(!ws->read_buffer[0]){
- return ws_upgrade_http(ws);
- }
- else if(isspace(ws->read_buffer[0])){
- //i hate header folding
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, "500 Header folding");
- return 0;
- }
- else{
- header = (char*) ws->read_buffer;
- value = strchr(header, ':');
- if(!value){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, "500 Header format");
- return 0;
- }
- *value = 0;
- value++;
- for(; isspace(*value); value++){
- }
- }
- //RFC 4.2.1 checks
- if(!strcmp(header, "Sec-WebSocket-Version")){
- ws->websocket_version = strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(header, "Sec-WebSocket-Key")){
- //right-trim the key
- for(p = strlen(value) - 1; p >= 0 && isspace(value[p]); p--){
- value[p] = 0;
- }
- ws->socket_key = strdup(value);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(header, "Upgrade") && !strcasecmp(value, "websocket")){
- ws->want_upgrade |= 1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(header, "Connection") && strstr(xstr_lower(value), "upgrade")){
- ws->want_upgrade |= 2;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(header, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")){
- //parse websocket protocol offers
- for(value = strtok(value, ","); value; value = strtok(NULL, ",")){
- //ltrim
- for(; *value && isspace(*value); value++){
- }
- //rtrim
- for(p = strlen(value) - 1; p >= 0 && isspace(value[p]); p--){
- value[p] = 0;
- }
- for(p = 0; p < ws->protocols; p++){
- if(!strcmp(ws->protocol[p], value)){
- break;
- }
- }
- //add new protocol
- if(p == ws->protocols){
- ws->protocol = realloc(ws->protocol, (ws->protocols + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- if(!ws->protocol){
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
- return 1;
- }
- ws->protocol[ws->protocols] = strdup(value);
- ws->protocols++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(ws->headers < WS_HEADER_LIMIT){
- ws->header[ws->headers].tag = strdup(header);
- ws->header[ws->headers].value = strdup(value);
- ws->headers++;
- }
- else{
- //limit the number of stored headers to prevent abuse
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_http, "500 Header limit");
- }
- return 0;
-//returns bytes handled
-size_t ws_frame(websocket* ws){
- size_t u;
- uint64_t payload_length = 0;
- uint16_t* payload_len16 = (uint16_t*) (ws->read_buffer + 2);
- uint64_t* payload_len64 = (uint64_t*) (ws->read_buffer + 2);
- uint8_t* masking_key = NULL, *payload = ws->read_buffer + 2;
- //need at least the header bits
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 2){
- return 0;
- }
- if(WS_GET_RESERVED(ws->read_buffer[0])){
- //reserved bits set without any extensions
- //RFC 5.2 says we MUST close the connection
- //ignoring it for now
- }
- //calculate the payload length (could've used a uint64 and be done with it...)
- //TODO test this for the bigger frames
- payload_length = WS_GET_LEN(ws->read_buffer[1]);
- if(WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1])){
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 6){
- return 0;
- }
- masking_key = ws->read_buffer + 2;
- payload = ws->read_buffer + 6;
- }
- if(payload_length == 126){
- //16-bit payload length
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 4){
- return 0;
- }
- payload_length = htobe16(*payload_len16);
- payload = ws->read_buffer + 4;
- if(WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1])){
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 8){
- return 0;
- }
- masking_key = ws->read_buffer + 4;
- payload = ws->read_buffer + 8;
- }
- }
- else if(payload_length == 127){
- //64-bit payload length
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 10){
- return 0;
- }
- payload_length = htobe64(*payload_len64);
- payload = ws->read_buffer + 10;
- if(WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1])){
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < 14){
- return 0;
- }
- masking_key = ws->read_buffer + 10;
- payload = ws->read_buffer + 14;
- }
- }
- //check for complete WS frame
- if(ws->read_buffer_offset < (payload - ws->read_buffer) + payload_length){
- //fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete payload: offset %lu, want %lu\n", ws->read_buffer_offset, (payload - ws->read_buffer) + payload_length);
- return 0;
- }
- //RFC Section 5.1: If the client sends an unmasked frame, close the connection
- if(!WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1])){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_proto, "Unmasked client frame");
- return 0;
- }
- //unmask data
- if(WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1])){
- for(u = 0; u < payload_length; u++){
- payload[u] = payload[u] ^ masking_key[u % 4];
- }
- }
- //TODO handle fragmentation
- //TODO handle control frames within fragmented frames
- fprintf(stderr, "Incoming websocket data: %s %s OP %02X LEN %u %lu\n",
- WS_GET_FIN(ws->read_buffer[0]) ? "FIN" : "CONT",
- WS_GET_MASK(ws->read_buffer[1]) ? "MASK" : "CLEAR",
- WS_GET_OP(ws->read_buffer[0]),
- WS_GET_LEN(ws->read_buffer[1]),
- payload_length);
- //handle data
- switch(WS_GET_OP(ws->read_buffer[0])){
- case ws_frame_text:
- fprintf(stderr, "Text payload: %.*s\n", (int) payload_length, (char*) payload);
- case ws_frame_binary:
- //forward to peer
- if(ws->peer_fd >= 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "WS -> Peer %lu bytes\n", payload_length);
- if(network_send(ws->peer_fd, payload, payload_length)){
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_unexpected, "Failed to forward");
- }
- }
- break;
- case ws_frame_close:
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_normal, "Client requested termination");
- break;
- case ws_frame_ping:
- break;
- case ws_frame_pong:
- break;
- default:
- //unknown frame type received
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown WebSocket opcode %02X in frame\n", WS_GET_OP(ws->read_buffer[0]));
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_proto, "Invalid opcode");
- break;
- }
- return ((payload - ws->read_buffer) + payload_length);
-int ws_send_frame(websocket* ws, ws_operation opcode, uint8_t* data, size_t len){
- fprintf(stderr, "Peer -> WS %lu bytes\n", len);
- uint8_t frame_header[WS_FRAME_HEADER_LEN];
- size_t header_bytes = 2;
- uint16_t* payload_len16 = (uint16_t*) (frame_header + 2);
- uint64_t* payload_len64 = (uint64_t*) (frame_header + 2);
- //FIXME might want to support segmented transfers here
- //set up the basic frame header
- frame_header[0] = WS_FLAG_FIN | opcode;
- if(len <= 125){
- frame_header[1] = len;
- }
- else if(len <= 0xFFFF){
- frame_header[1] = 126;
- *payload_len16 = htobe16(len);
- header_bytes += 2;
- }
- else{
- frame_header[1] = 127;
- *payload_len64 = htobe64(len);
- header_bytes += 8;
- }
- if(network_send(ws->ws_fd, frame_header, header_bytes)
- || network_send(ws->ws_fd, data, len)){
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int ws_data(websocket* ws){
- ssize_t bytes_read, n, bytes_left = sizeof(ws->read_buffer) - ws->read_buffer_offset;
- int rv = 0;
- bytes_read = recv(ws->ws_fd, ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset, bytes_left - 1, 0);
- if(bytes_read < 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to receive from websocket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_unexpected, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- else if(bytes_read == 0){
- //client closed connection
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_unexpected, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- //terminate new data
- ws->read_buffer[ws->read_buffer_offset + bytes_read] = 0;
- switch(ws->state){
- case ws_new:
- case ws_http:
- //scan for newline, handle line
- for(n = 0; n < bytes_read - 1; n++){
- if(!strncmp((char*) ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset + n, "\r\n", 2)){
- //terminate line
- ws->read_buffer[ws->read_buffer_offset + n] = 0;
- if(ws->state == ws_new){
- ws_handle_new(ws);
- }
- else{
- ws_handle_http(ws);
- }
- //remove from buffer
- bytes_read -= (n + 2);
- memmove(ws->read_buffer, ws->read_buffer + ws->read_buffer_offset + n + 2, bytes_read);
- ws->read_buffer_offset = 0;
- //restart from the beginning
- n = -1;
- }
- }
- //update read buffer offset
- ws->read_buffer_offset = bytes_read;
- break;
- case ws_open:
- ws->read_buffer_offset += bytes_read;
- for(n = ws_frame(ws); n > 0 && ws->read_buffer_offset > 0; n = ws_frame(ws)){
- memmove(ws->read_buffer, ws->read_buffer + n, ws->read_buffer_offset - n);
- ws->read_buffer_offset -= n;
- }
- break;
- //this should never be reached, as ws_close also closes the client fd
- case ws_closed:
- fprintf(stderr, "This should not have happened\n");
- break;
- }
- //disconnect spammy clients
- if(sizeof(ws->read_buffer) - ws->read_buffer_offset < 2){
- fprintf(stderr, "Disconnecting misbehaving client\n");
- ws_close(ws, ws_close_limit, "Receive size limit exceeded");
- return 0;
- }
- return rv;
-void ws_cleanup(){
- size_t n;
- for(n = 0; n < socks; n++){
- ws_close(sock + n, ws_close_shutdown, "Shutting down");
- }
- free(sock);
- sock = NULL;
- socks = 0;